ascilite2006 conference workshops will be held on Sunday 3rd of December 2006.
- An Introduction to Elluminate Live! (#163) [Abstract] [Details]
Stephen Rowe, Allan Ellis
- How to Develop ‘On-Demand and On-the-Go’ Ubiquitous Educational Multimedia for Connected Communities (#42) [Abstract] [Details]
Margaret Maag
- Online Information Literacy e-Learning Modules from the OIL project: Project background, module use, and adaptation for use in new contexts (#134) [Abstract] [Details]
Bronwyn Hegarty, Jenny McDonald
- Architectures for Effective Online Learning and Performance (#181) [Abstract] [Details]
Elena Kays, Rod Sims
- Improving your publications profile (#FREE) [Abstract] [Details]
Craig Zimitat (ascilite Executive)
- Giving effective and interactive presentations (#76) [Abstract] [Details]
Tony Koppi, Elaine Pearson
- What makes blended learning “good”? A conceptual model supported by real examples. (#122) [Abstract] [Details]
Josie Csete, Paula Hodgson, Peter Duffy
- Using iPods & iTrips as knowledge acquisition tools for problem-based learning in the Workplace (#63) [Abstract] [Details]
Paula Williams, Beth Hobbs
- Course Re-Design Within a Community of Practice Model (#60) [Abstract] [Details]
Diane Salter
- Designing engaging online learning experiences (#176) [Abstract] [Details]
Anouk Janssens-Bevernage, Sue Dark
- Embedding quality guidelines into e-learning practice (#109) [Abstract] [Details]
John Milne, Andrew Higgins
You can download the workshop timetable from here ( XLS, PDF )
All abstracts ( DOC, PDF )

Orchestrating integrated learning scenarios [Abstract]
Pierre Dillenbourg
Professor of Pedagogy and New Learning Technologies at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne. Homepage

Assessing Who is Learning and How [Abstract]
Mike Spector
Associate Director, Learning Systems Institute, and Professor, Instructional Systems, at Florida State University. Homepage

- ascilite and the Carrick Resource Identification Network project [Abstract]
Geraldine Lefoe, Meg O'Reilly and Jenny Millea
- Publishing your research in journals: 'Meet the editors' [Abstract]
Catherine McLoughlin, Roger Atkinson, Gráinne Conole, John Hedberg
- eLearning for campus-based universities: Engaging the executive [Abstract]
Rob Ellis, Shirley Alexander, Eddie Gulc, Sandra Wills