The 23rd Annual Conference
of the Australasian Society for Computers in
Learning in Tertiary Education
Who's Learning? Whose Technology?
3–6 December 2006
The University of Sydney
Sydney, Australia
Editors: Lina Markauskaite, Peter Goodyear, Peter Reimann

Sydney University Press
Sydney, 2006
ISBN: 1-920898-47-6 Web ISBN13 978-1-920898-47-2 Web
© Copyright ascilite and individual authors, 2006
© Copyright Sydney University Press, 2006

Call for Papers (Closed)
We invite five kinds of proposals.
___1. Workshops (half day or whole day, Sunday 3rd December)
___2. Symposia (typically four papers on a common theme)
___3. Full papers (typically 8-10 pages in length)
___4. Concise papers (max 4 pages, usually reporting work in progress)
___5. Posters
All papers (2 through 5 above) will be subject to full peer review.
Deadline for all submissions: Monday 31st July 2006
Review of Proposals (Completed)
___1. Reviewer's guide
___2. ascilite 2006 reviewers
Camera-Ready Submission (Closed)
Final versions due: 1st phase - Monday 2nd October; 2nd phase - Friday 20th October. (The authors of successful proposals are notified about the deadline for camera-ready version individually)
Guidlines for Authors:
___Making a proposal
___Style sheet for papers
___Word Template for papers