The collaborative work between learning technologists and academics in implementing online learning
Yik Sheng Lee, Siaw Way Poh
Tunku Abdul Rahman College
A recent study on e-leaning readiness of at least 30 institutions of higher learning in Malaysia has provided a good overview of the status of online learning adoption in the country. It was noted in summary of the report that the enablers and receivers recorded the lowest level of readiness amongst the four groups (the other two being policy makers and providers) of personnel surveyed. It is vital to take a closer look at the factors and processes that affect the enablers and receivers in adopting online learning. This will inform policy makers on designing plans to promote a higher level of readiness. This concise paper is a preliminary report of an on-going action research. The focus of this research is the working practices of enablers such as learning technologist and academics. The research documents the actions of the learning technologist while working with academics to implement online learning. It takes a detail look at the factors that promote, inhibit and sustain a successful collaboration. It also studies the roles played by both parties and the possibilities of replicating the same practices campus wide. This paper will present the background, the research questions, the methods used and the initial findings of this study.
Keywords: online learning, higher education, collaboration, organisational change, action research