Online information literacy e-learning modules from the OIL project: Project background, module use, and adaptation for use in new contexts
Bronwyn Hegarty
Otago Polytechnic, New Zealand
Jenny McDonald
University of Otago, New Zealand
Dawn Coburn
Dunedin College of Education, New Zealand
The workshop is based on the outcomes of the e-CDF 423 Information Literacy e-Learning Modules project, funded by the Tertiary Education Commission in New Zealand. The aim of this 2-year project is to develop a range of on-line modules, predicated on the ANZIIL standards of information literacy, and amenable to adaptation and use in a range of contexts. The project was conceived to address four main areas in the tertiary sector associated with information literacy learning:
- Barriers to tertiary study which can occur as a result of poor information literacy skills and the diverse needs of marginalised, mature and distance students.
- A shortage of high quality online information literacy modules which are reusable, portable and have pedagogical flexibility.
- A need for professional development opportunities for staff in the area of information literacy.
- A tertiary sector requirement for centrally maintained and managed, standards- conformant, online resources in this important foundation field.
By the end of the workshop, it is intended that participants will be able to:
- discuss information literacy needs and practices in tertiary settings,
- identify and use interactive online resources to support information literacy in the tertiary sector,
- explain models and elements of design for interactive learning systems,
- access and critique the project online information literacy modules,
- discuss factors associated with reusability of online resources,
- understand an approach to customising existing online information literacy modules,
- create new resources for online learning using the online information literacy modules and an adapted open source content management system (Magnolia),
- identify and discuss some processes associated with evaluation research.