After the Conference is over.... this page has gone archival, links to forms deactivated.
Please view [Campus maps for Conference registration] for a quick guide to key locations including Registration Desk, Session venues and parking.
See below for Fees, and the pages for [Accommodation] and [Workshops].
When ready, proceed to [Registration Form selection] (online form or printable PDF or MS Word forms)
Registration fees
Earlybird* ASCILITE member (closed) | $475 |
Earlybird* non-member (closed) | $585 |
Full registration ASCILITE member (by 22 Nov) | $535 |
Full registration non-member (by 22 Nov) | $635 |
Student registration (social activities not included, by 22 Nov) | $275 |
Day registration (social activities not included, by 22 Nov) | $230 |
Full day workshops (by 22 Nov) | $180 |
Half day workshops (by 22 Nov) | $90 |
Registration payments received after 22 Nov will incur a late fee | $50 |
Conference Dinner additional tickets | $97 |
* Revised on 22 Sept from 30 Sept deadline to 15 Oct deadline, owing to delays in our issues of acceptances to authors, due to the Review process encountering much higher than expected numbers.
To become an ASCILITE member, anytime, please view the 'How to join' pages at
If you become a member of ASCILITE prior to Conference registration you gain access to member rates, and also obtain the Australasian Journal of Educational Technology. Members of ALT (Association for Learning Technology, UK) are eligible for member rates as for ASCILITE members.
All prices include GST. Registration includes morning and afternoon tea plus a light lunch. Registration includes the Conference Proceedings and social activities (Welcome Reception and Conference Dinner) unless otherwise stated.
Use the Conference website to register electronically (after 6 August), or download a printable registration form (after 6 August). [Registration Form selection]
ASCILITE 2004 © Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education |