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Roger Atkinson, Clare McBeath, Diana Jonas-Dwyer and Rob Phillips (Editors) | Presentation format and online access options html or pdf | ||
Roger Atkinson, Clare McBeath, Diana Jonas-Dwyer and Rob Phillips | Editorial | [html] [pdf] | |
Reem Al-Mahmood & Catherine McLoughlin | Re-learning through e-learning: Changing conceptions of teaching through online experience | Refereed traditional | [html] [pdf] |
Lubna Sheikh Alam | Is plagiarism more prevalent in some forms of assessment than others? | Refereed traditional | [html] [pdf] |
Andrelyn C. Applebee, Robert A. Ellis & Stephen D. Sheely | Developing a blended learning community at the University of Sydney: Broadening the comfort zone | Refereed short | [html] [pdf] |
Jocelyn Armarego & Geoffrey G. Roy | Teaching design principles in software engineering | Refereed traditional | [html] [pdf] |
Christine Armatas, Dale Holt & Mary Rice | From online enhanced to wholly online: Reflections on e-learning developments in teaching psychology | Refereed traditional | [html] [pdf] |
Bill Ashcroft & Iain McAlpine | Student moderators in online discussions | Refereed traditional | [html] [pdf] |
Naomi Augar, Ruth Raitman & Wanlei Zhou | Teaching and learning online with wikis | Refereed traditional | [html] [pdf] |
Grame Barty | Changing of the guard: The impact of global learning object repositories on next generation learning delivery | Gold sponsor's address | [html] |
Siân Bayne | The embodiment of the online learner | Refereed traditional | [html] [pdf] |
Sue Bennett, Lori Lockyer & Shirley Agostinho | Investigating how learning designs can be used as a framework to incorporate learning objects | Refereed traditional | [html] [pdf] |
Jenny Bird | Professional navel gazing: Flexible learning professionals into the future | Refereed traditional | [html] [pdf] |
Carol S. Bond, David Fevyer & Chris Pitt | Student reactions to online tools for learning to use the Internet as a study tool: Outside the comfort zone? | Refereed traditional | [html] [pdf] |
George Borzyskowski | Animated text: More than meets the eye? | Refereed short | [html] [pdf] |
Davina Boyd, Rob Phillips, Michael Scott & Goen Ho | E-learning for sustainable development: A case study | Poster | [html] [pdf] |
Charlotte Brack, Kristine Elliott & David Stapleton | Visual representations: Setting contexts for learners | Refereed short | [html] [pdf] |
Gwyn Brickell & Jan Herrington | Learner challenges and situated learning: Engaging students at Sydney Olympic Park | Refereed traditional | [html] [pdf] |
Lee Britton & Christopher K. Morgan | A voyage out of the comfort zone: Colonising Planet Online | Refereed short | [html] [pdf] |
Claire Brooks & Jeanette Fyffe | Are we comfortable yet? Developing a community of practice with PhD students at the University of Melbourne | Refereed short | [html] [pdf] |
Wendy Chalmers, Paul Smith & Katie Ward | Modern methods for traditional tasks: Developing an electronic version of student fieldwork assessment at The University of Queensland | Refereed short | [html] [pdf] |
Nian-Shing Chen & Craig Zimitat | Differences in the quality of learning outcomes in a F2F blended versus wholly online course | Refereed short | [html] [pdf] |
Stephen L. Cheung | Fun and games with mobile phones: SMS messaging in microeconomics experiments | Refereed short | [html] [pdf] |
Bee Bee Chua & Laurel Evelyn Dyson | Applying the ISO9126 model to the evaluation of an e-learning system | Refereed short | [html] [pdf] |
Barnard D. Clarkson & Chris Brook | I can't understand why I didn't pass: Scaffolding student activities | Refereed short | [html] [pdf] |
John Clayton | Investigating online learning environments | Refereed short | [html] [pdf] |
Thom Cochrane | Interactive QuickTime: Developing and evaluating multimedia learning objects to enhance both face to face and distance e-learning environments | Refereed traditional | [html] [pdf] |
Allison Coleman, Chia Siong (Justin) Loh, Gang (Richard) Cao & Victoria Mallinckrodt | Electronic course content at The University of Western Australia | Refereed traditional | [html] [pdf] |
Andrew Creed & Don Swanson | Mental tactility: The ascendance of writing in online management education | Refereed short | [html] [pdf] |
Fintan Culwin | Beyond learning objects: Towards learning beans | Refereed traditional | [html] [pdf] |
Barney Dalgarno | A classification scheme for learner-computer interaction | Refereed traditional | [html] [pdf] |
Meredith Day & Jennifer Evans | Law school of the air: An example of adaptive technology in legal education | Refereed short | [html] [pdf] |
Ross Dewstow & Patrick Kunz | Marrying streaming media and asynchronous communication | Poster | [html] [pdf] |
Kathryn Dixon & Lina Pelliccione | Reactions to online learning from novice students in two distinct programs | Refereed short | [html] [pdf] |
Ken Eustace, Mark Lee, Geoff Fellows and Allan Bytheway | The application of massively multiplayer online role playing games to collaborative learning and teaching practice in schools | Poster | [html] [pdf] |
Peter Evans | The design of a distributed learning system to support a transnational learning centre network | Refereed short | [html] [pdf] |
James Farmer | Communication dynamics: Discussion boards, weblogs and the development of communities of inquiry in online learning environments | Refereed traditional | [html] [pdf] |
Uschi Felix | Performing beyond the comfort zone: Giving a voice to online communication | Refereed traditional | [html] [pdf] |
Brian Ferry, Lisa Kervin, Brian Cambourne, Jan Turbill, David Jonassen, John Hedberg & Sarah Puglisi | Online classroom simulation: The next wave for pre-service teacher education? | Refereed traditional | [html] [pdf] |
Jonathan Finkelstein | Developing policy to support a new generation of e-learning | Poster | [html] [pdf] |
Marty Fletcher | Roles in support of teaching and learning | Refereed traditional | [html] [pdf] |
Stuart Fletcher, Mark A. Nolan & Simon Bronitt | CrimPro: Teaching criminal procedure using a video recorded dramatised case study, interviews and WebCT | Refereed short | [html] [pdf] |
Bob Fox | SARS epidemic: Teachers' experiences using ICTs | Refereed traditional | [html] [pdf] |
Stanley Frielick | Beyond constructivism: An ecological approach to e-learning | Refereed short | [html] [pdf] |
Jeremy Gauder, Allan Christie & James Strong | Management of e-learning within a university setting through partnership with industry | Refereed short | [html] [pdf] |
Peter Goodyear | Patterns, pattern languages and educational design | Refereed traditional | [html] [pdf] |
Igor Hawryszkiewycz | Towards active learning management systems | Refereed traditional | [html] [pdf] |
Kate Henderson, Ksenija Napan & Sylila Monteiro | Encouraging reflective learning: An online challenge | Refereed short | [html] [pdf] |
James Henri, Richard Frewer, Alex Amato, Ruffina Thilakaratne & Sue Trinidad | Changing practice: An exercise in cross faculty curriculum development of innovative teaching in construction technology | Refereed short | [html] [pdf] |
Heeok Heo | Story telling-retelling as narrative inquiry in cyber learning environments | Refereed short | [html] [pdf] |
Anthony Herrington & Jan Herrington | University to work transition: Implications for the evaluation and design of online communities of practice | Refereed traditional | [html] [pdf] |
David Hirst, Claire Brooks & Matthew Riddle | Courseware design and development program: Providing professional development and project experience | Refereed short | [html] [pdf] |
Nadira Hisham, Paul Campton & Des FitzGerald | A tale of two cities: A study on the satisfaction of asynchronous e-learning systems in two Australian universities | Refereed short | [html] [pdf] |
Dale Holt, Siew Mee Barton & Greg Barton | From the comforts of print to the possibilities of digital media: Leading the way in teaching political leadership in a Faculty of Arts | Refereed traditional | [html] [pdf] |
Michelle Honey, Cathy Gunn & Nicola North | Creating a learning community of postgraduate nurses through online discussion | Refereed traditional | [html] [pdf] |
Louise Horstmanshof | Using SMS as a way of providing connection and community for first year students | Refereed short | [html] [pdf] |
Vincent H.K. Hung, Mike Keppell & Morris S.Y. Jong | Learners as producers: Using project based learning to enhance meaningful learning through digital video production | Refereed traditional | [html] [pdf] |
Lesley Instone | The educational possibilities of dis-comfort | Refereed traditional | [html] [pdf] |
Ip Pui Shum & Robert Fox | Changing schools through exploring innovative pedagogical practices | Refereed traditional | [html] [pdf] |
Nelly Ivanova | EdNA Online Shared Information Services: Case studies | Poster | [html] [pdf] |
Kel Jackson & Nic D'Alessandro | Migrating to a new institution-wide learning management system: Challenges for staff development | Refereed traditional | [html] [pdf] |
Vicki Jones & Jun H. Jo | Ubiquitous learning environment: An adaptive teaching system using ubiquitous technology | Refereed traditional | [html] [pdf] |
Jowati binti Juhary | A comparative study on the effectiveness of e-learning at a Malaysian university | Poster | [html] [pdf] |
Terry S Judd & Gregor E Kennedy | More sense from audit trails: Exploratory sequential data analysis | Refereed traditional | [html] [pdf] |
Sheila Kavanagh, Judi Baron & Allan Carrington | Pushing the collaborative envelope: A virtual classroom for clinical practice | Refereed short | [html] [pdf] |
David M. Kennedy, Douglas R. Vogel & Tomson Xu | Increasing opportunities for learning: Mobile graphing | Refereed traditional | [html] [pdf] |
Mike Keppell, Paulette Cote, Shihui Chen, Pamela Leung, Jennifer Jones & Cameron Richard | Staff perceptions of online learning: Five cases from a teacher education setting in Hong Kong | Refereed traditional | [html] [pdf] |
Margaret Kropman, Herbert P. Schoch & Hai Yap Teoh | An experience in e-learning: Using an electronic textbook | Refereed short | [html] [pdf] |
Sarah Lambert & Venkata Yanamandram | Support or spoon feeding? Research skills training for first year marketing students in a large class | Refereed short | [html] [pdf] |
Thomas Lancaster & Fintan Culwin | Using freely available tools to produce a partially automated plagiarism detection process | Refereed short | [html] [pdf] |
Ray Land | Issues of embodiment and risk in online learning | Refereed traditional | [html] [pdf] |
Elicia Lanham | Giving lecture a voice for a cross-cultural audience | Poster | [html] [pdf] |
Geraldine Lefoe, Helen Carter, Mike Keppell, Mike Fardon & Craig Zimitat | ASCILITE community mentoring program: Empowering members though cross-institutional partnering | Refereed traditional | [html] [pdf] |
Kristeen Lockett & Michelle Strand | Project teams go the distance | Poster | [html] [pdf] |
Kate Lowe & Lorraine Marshall | Plotting renewal: Pushing curriculum boundaries using a web based graduate attribute mapping tool | Refereed traditional | [html] [pdf] |
Richard K. Lowe | Animation and learning: Value for money? | Refereed short | [html] [pdf] |
Joe Luca & Mark McMahon | Promoting metacognition through negotiated assessment | Refereed traditional | [html] [pdf] |
Angela Ma & Mike Keppell | Knowledge management: The relevance of storytelling in the management of knowledge in organisations | Poster | [html] [pdf] |
Dorit Maor | Pushing beyond the comfort zone: Bridging the gap between technology and pedagogy | Refereed short | [html] [pdf] |
Gerard Marcus, Rosanne Taylor & Robert A. Ellis | Implications for the design of online case-based learning activities based on the student blended learning experience | Refereed traditional | [html] [pdf] |
Andrew Marriott | You, by proxy | Refereed traditional | [html] [pdf] |
Stephen J. Marshall | Leading and managing the development of e-learning environments: An issue of comfort or discomfort? | Keynote address | [html] [pdf] |
Stephen Marshall | E-learning standards: Open enablers of learning or compliance strait jackets? | Refereed traditional | [html] [pdf] |
Margaret Mazzolini & Sarah Maddison | Education without frontiers? International participation in an online astronomy program | Refereed short | [html] [pdf] |
Iain McAlpine, Kate Wilson, Carol Russell & Maria Cunningham | An online diary as a research and evaluation tool for first year physics | Refereed traditional | [html] [pdf] |
Shane McKenzie | Assessing quality of feedback in online marking databases: An opportunity for academic professional development or just Big Brother? | Refereed short | [html] [pdf] |
Catherine McLoughlin & Joe Luca | An investigation of the motivational aspects of peer and self assessment tasks to enhance teamwork outcomes | Refereed traditional | [html] [pdf] |
Carmel McNaught & Douglas R. Vogel | The converging streams of globalisation and eLearning: Stretching the comfort zone | Refereed traditional | [html] [pdf] |
Mae McSporran | Online learning: Which strategies do New Zealand students perceive as most valuable? | Refereed short | [html] [pdf] |
Mae McSporran and Stuart Young | Extra skills needed when teaching online | Poster | [html] [pdf] |
Wendy Meyers, Sue Bennett & Pauline Lysaght | Asynchronous communication: Strategies for equitable e-learning | Refereed traditional | [html] [pdf] |
Anne Miller, Mia O'Brien, Greta Kelly & Thea Blackler | Online conference case study: Creating a comfort zone within an emerging community of practice | Refereed traditional | [html] [pdf] |
Christopher K. Morgan | Educational technology: A tonic for the unwell | Refereed short | [html] [pdf] |
Ed Morris, Catherine Zuluaga & Liz Atkinson | An evaluation of IT courses delivered via a range of mixed modes | Refereed traditional | [html] [pdf] |
Sue Mulcahy & Christine Goodacre | Opening Pandora's box of academic integrity: Using plagiarism detection software | Refereed traditional | [html] [pdf] |
Victoria Neville & Sue Bennett | Using self regulated learning to manage the discomfort of becoming fluent with information technology | Refereed short | [html] [pdf] |
Mark Northover | International communication: Putting your money where your mouth is | Refereed short | [html] [pdf] |
Beverley Oliver & Corri Barrett | Comfort + ubiquity = adoption: Enhancing first year students' communication skills with handheld computers | Refereed short | [html] [pdf] |
Ron Oliver | Moving beyond instructional comfort zones with online courses | Refereed traditional | [html] [pdf] |
Meg O'Reilly | Educational design as transdisciplinary partnership: Supporting creative assessment design | Refereed traditional | [html] [pdf] |
Weidong Pan & Igor Hawryszkiewycz | A method of defining learning process | Refereed short | [html] [pdf] |
Linda Pannan, Chris van der Craats, Catherine Zuluaga & Daniel Barnes | Extending the academic comfort zone: Smooth transition from content rich linear courseware to problem based learning online | Refereed traditional | [html] [pdf] |
Roly Parfenovics & Marty Fletcher | Streaming media for higher education: Signs of settling | Refereed short | [html] [pdf] |
Jon M. Pearce | Achieving flow in an online learning environment | Poster | [html] [pdf] |
Mary Peat, Sue Franklin, Marcia Devlin & Margaret Charles | Revisiting associations between student performance outcomes and formative assessment opportunities: Is there any impact on student learning? | Refereed traditional | [html] [pdf] |
Lina Pelliccione & Rozz Albon | Beyond the comfort zone: Using informal mentoring to create lifelines for students in disequilibrium | Refereed traditional | [html] [pdf] |
Russ Pennell | Closing the loop: Quality in process | Refereed short | [html] [pdf] |
Rob Phillips | The design dimensions of e-learning | Refereed traditional | [html] [pdf] |
Doug Reid & Paul Newhouse | But that didn't happen last semester: Explanations of the mediated environmental factors that affect online tutor capabilities | Refereed traditional | [html] [pdf] |
Mary Rice | Discomfort at the coalface: Issues for sessional tutors teaching in online enhanced learning environments | Refereed short | [html] [pdf] |
Will Rifkin & Catherine McLoughlin | Sharing pedagogical practice on the teaching of generic skills | Refereed traditional | [html] [pdf] |
Geoffrey G. Roy & Jocelyn Armarego | Teaching programming with objects | Refereed traditional | [html] [pdf] |
Stephen Segrave, Dale Holt & James Farmer | The 6 by the power of 3 model for enhancing academic teachers' capacities for effective online teaching and learning: Benefits, initiatives and future directions | Refereed traditional | [html] [pdf] |
Susan Shannon | Questioning the teacher's comfort zone with online learning: A 4 year case study of students' perceptions of online learning | Refereed traditional | [html] [pdf] |
Rod Sims & Bethany Bovard | Interacting with online learners: How new elaborations of online presence can foster critical thinking and reflection | Refereed traditional | [html] [pdf] |
Douglas Siviter & Andrew Wheeler | Patterns in education systems: Are there lessons from the enterprise domain? | Refereed traditional | [html] [pdf] |
Karin Sixl-Daniell, Amy Wong & Jeremy B. Williams | The virtual university and the quality assurance process: Recruiting and retaining the right faculty | Refereed short | [html] [pdf] |
Caroline Steel | Establishing a zone where technology innovation is supported | Refereed traditional | [html] [pdf] |
Carole Steketee | Action research as an investigative approach within a computer based community of learners | Refereed short | [html] [pdf] |
Susan Stoney and Mark McMahon | Bulletproof assessment, war stories, and tactics: Avoiding cybercheating | Refereed short | [html] [pdf] |
Michelle Strand, Ken Udas & Yasmin Lee | Design for communities of practice: Eduforge | Refereed short | [html] [pdf] |
Geoff I Swan | Online assessment and study | Refereed short | [html] [pdf] |
Sue Trinidad & John Pearson | Implementing and evaluating e-learning environments | Refereed traditional | [html] [pdf] |
Steven D. Tripp | Building a CGI interface to WordNet verb data | Poster | [html] [pdf] |
Lyn Turney & Catherine Pocknee | Virtual focus groups: New technologies, new opportunities, new learning environments | Refereed traditional | [html] [pdf] |
Martin Valcke | ICT in higher education: An uncomfortable zone for institutes and their policies | Keynote address | [html] [pdf] |
Duane Varan | When beyond the comfort zone is the comfort zone | Keynote address | [html] |
Lucas Walsh | Using Extensible Mark-up Language for the single source delivery of teaching resources via print and the Web: A practical example | Refereed traditional | [html] [pdf] |
Mark Warne, David Owies & Glenn McNolty | Exploration of a first year university multimedia module on field geology | Refereed traditional | [html] [pdf] |
Jeremy Williams | Creating authentic assessments: A method for the authoring of open book open web examinations | Refereed short | [html] [pdf] |
Ralph Wirski, Grame Brownfield & Ron Oliver | Exploring SCORM and the National Flexible Learning Toolboxes | Refereed traditional | [html] [pdf] |
Karyn Woodford & Peter Bancroft | Using multiple choice questions effectively in Information Technology education | Refereed short | [html] [pdf] |
Helen Wozniak & Sue Silveira | Online discussions: Promoting effective student to student interaction | Refereed short | [html] [pdf] |
Dai Fei Yang & Peter Goodyear | Pattern languages and genres for writing computer science discourse | Refereed short | [html] [pdf] |
Jon Yorke & David Croot | Personalised records of lifelong learning in the UK: What do our learners want? | Refereed short | [html] [pdf] |
Allan H.K. Yuen, Will W.K. Ma | Knowledge sharing and teacher acceptance of web based learning system | Refereed traditional | [html] [pdf] |
Craig Zimitat | Changing student use and perceptions of learning technologies, 2002-2004 | Refereed traditional | [html] [pdf] |
Please cite as: R. Atkinson, C. McBeath, D. Jonas-Dwyer & R. Phillips (Eds) (2004). Beyond the Comfort Zone: Proceedings of the 21st ASCILITE Conference. Perth, Western Australia, 5-8 December: ASCILITE. http://www.ascilite.org.au/conferences/perth04/procs/contents.html |
ISBN 0-9751702-3-6 (print) and 0-9751702-4-4 (online)
The proceedings as a whole are © ASCILITE. The authors of articles have assigned to ASCILITE and educational non-profit institutions a non-exclusive licence to use articles for personal research and in courses of instruction, provided that an article so used is reproduced in full and includes its copyright statement. The authors also granted ASCILITE a non-exclusive licence to publish their articles online for open access via the Conference website, and in printed form via the Proceedings 21st ASCILITE Conference. Any other reproduction of individual articles is prohibited without the express permission of the authors.