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[ 2004 Proceedings Contents ] |
The currently popular term e-learning is shown to have several meanings which confuse discussion about a new technology which is finding widespread international use in a range of educational sectors. This paper analyses the characteristics of e-learning applications, and proposes a set of four design dimensions which could be considered when designing and assessing the suitability of e-learning applications. The applicability of the four proposed dimensions, and their shortcomings, are discussed in detail, and found to be justifiable.
Shortly thereafter, the first learning management systems appeared on the market. These applications delivered web pages to students and provided online interactive tools whereby students interacted with course materials and other students and their teachers, but largely in a text based way.
Bandwidth increases in the early 2000s enabled effective interaction and multimedia capabilities to be provided over the web. At the same time, the 'learning object' movement started to gain momentum, driven largely by the US military's requirement to provide reusable and repurposable training content for its staff, independent of the computer system one is using (Advanced Distributed Learning, 2003).
While a large number of terms has been used to describe the range of these computer applications, the currently popular term is e-learning. However, there is confusion about what e-learning means in different contexts. For several years, proponents of educational technology have been using terms like e-learning in a 'one size fits all' manner. While there are distinctive differences between, for example, a use of a simulation learning object as part of a laboratory session, a corporate training CD and a tertiary course offered solely online to international students, these are each referred to as e-learning, to the confusion of practitioners and policy makers alike.
It can be argued that e-learning is an inappropriate term to use in any case, because it implies that the computer system can deliver learning or cause learning to occur. This flies in the face of research about learning, which shows that learning is a cognitive process which occurs internally, but which is impacted on by a number of environmental factors. Despite its semantic inaccuracy, this paper will continue to use the term e-learning, because it is currently widely accepted.
This paper attempts to resolve confusion about various types of e-learning, by analysing the nature of various e-learning products in terms of four design dimensions. Previous work (Reeves, 1997; Reeves & Harmon, 1994; Reeves & Reeves, 1997) has analysed the nature of 'interactive learning systems' and 'interactive learning on the WWW' in terms of a number of dimensions deriving from personal paradigms of knowledge. Further work by Bain, McNaught and colleagues investigated the impact of teachers' beliefs on the design of e-learning (Bain, McNaught, Mills, & Lueckenhausen, 1998a, 1998b; Kennedy & McNaught, 1997).
Table 1: The four e-learning design dimensions and their range
Dimension Extremes Student student interaction (SS) Individual Social Student teacher interaction (ST) Present Absent Student resource interaction (SR) Traditional Digital Student computer interaction (SC) Passive Interactive
The design dimensions proposed here are not related to the designer's belief systems. Instead, they are based on the interactions that a student may have in a technology supported learning environment. These are summarised in Table 1.
Making decisions about these four interactions is an important factor in the educational design process associated with any e-learning development. The four dimensions are discussed in detail below.
However, in some cases, because of commercial pressures, or lack of internet connectivity, it is not feasible to include human contact as part of the learning activities in the design of e-learning, and students are required to work individually.
The student student (SS) interaction dimension varies between individual and social work, as shown in Table 1. Clearly, this dimension is continuous rather than dichotomous, because in many learning situations there will be a mixture of individual and social work.
A second dimension is therefore the student teacher (ST) interaction, one extreme of which is that the teacher is present and has face to face contact with the student. On the other hand, some e-learning applications are designed to be used in a completely self paced manner, where the teacher is absent. This is the other extreme. A further example close to this end of the ST dimension is in distance learning, where the teacher may have little interaction with the student other than marking submitted work.
Once again, the dimension is continuous, because there may be varying amounts of teacher contact in different learning contexts.
The third dimension is therefore the student resource (SR) interaction, the mechanism by which students receive curriculum content. The extremes of this dimension are traditional (through print, lecture or other means) and digital (through any sort of ICT mediation). This dimension is also continuous because it is possible to have various amounts of content available through either means, or even both.
It is arguable that it is more appropriate to provide volumes of reading material to students in print format, because it is more convenient, and research indicates (Troffer, 2000) that current screen resolutions make it easier to read on paper.
In other cases, computer activity is restricted to the functionality of the web browser which enables students to progress to another page of text. This type of interaction is viewed as a navigational activity not a learning activity, and the role of the computer is deemed to be passive.
The extremes of this dimension are passive and interactive. This dimension is clearly continuous, because there are levels and degrees of interactivity, as identified by Sims (1997; 2000). In our case, to be classified as interactive, an e-learning application needs to respond meaningfully to students with feedback, rather than taking them to other content.
It is useful to consider various examples of interactivity commonly available in e-learning applications. Navigating between pages of content in a web browser or learning management system is clearly passive, while using a computer simulation is clearly interactive. Online quizzes and self tests are interactive, because feedback is provided as a result of the student's actions. However, the use of an online discussion forum is regarded as passive, because the interaction is in another dimension, between student and student, and the computer use is navigational.
Figure 1: Graphical shorthand notation for each of the extremes of the four e-learning design dimensions
The analysis summarised in Table 2 indicates that each combination is logically distinct, and has a plausible example, even though some are likely to be more common. This indicates that the four design dimensions are independent of each other (orthogonal in the mathematical sense).
Table 2: Analysis of the 16 combinations of the e-learning design dimensions with examples
Student student interaction | Student teacher interaction | Student resource interaction | Student computer interaction | Description | Scenario | |
![]() | Individual | Present | Traditional | Passive | Student works alone Teacher teaches face to face Notes and resources obtained from lectures or in print Computer use is passive | Traditional, on-campus teaching and learning environment with static information, such as administrative details and study schedules on computer. This approach is common, but arguably is not e-learning. |
![]() | Individual | Present | Traditional | Interactive | Student works alone Teacher teaches face to face Notes and resources obtained from lectures or in print Student does interactive computer work (simulations, quizzes) | Traditional, on-campus teaching and learning environment supplemented with interactive computer work. This approach is relatively common. |
![]() | Individual | Present | Digital | Passive | Student works alone Teacher teaches face to face Notes and resources available digitally Computer use is passive | Traditional, on-campus teaching and learning environment except that notes and resources are available online. (Blended learning) This approach is widespread. |
![]() | Individual | Present | Digital | Interactive | Student works alone Teacher teaches face to face Notes and resources available digitally Student does interactive computer work | Traditional, on-campus teaching and learning environment except that notes and resources are available online and study is supplemented with interactive computer work. This approach is relatively common. |
![]() | Individual | Absent | Traditional | Passive | Student works alone Minimal teacher involvement Notes and resources obtained traditionally Computer use is passive | Traditional, print based distance education model with static information, such as administrative details and study schedules on computer. This approach is uncommon. |
![]() | Individual | Absent | Traditional | Interactive | Student works alone Minimal teacher involvement Notes and resources obtained traditionally Student does interactive computer work | Traditional, print based distance education model supplemented with interactive, self paced computer work, eg simulations on CD. This approach is uncommon. |
![]() | Individual | Absent | Digital | Passive | Student works alone Minimal or absent teacher involvement Notes and resources available digitally Content on computer is static | Traditional distance education model converted to online mode. Standalone, content based corporate training delivered online or on CD. Webquests and other online research activities. These approaches are widespread. |
![]() | Individual | Absent | Digital | Interactive | Student works alone Minimal or absent teacher involvement Notes and resources available digitally Student does interactive computer work | Standalone, content based education and training applications containing interactive activities and delivered online or on CD. These approaches are widespread. |
![]() | Social | Present | Traditional | Passive | Students work collaboratively Teacher teaches face to face Notes and resources obtained from lectures or in print Computer use is passive | Traditional, on-campus teaching and learning environment with static information, such as administrative details and study schedules on computer, but with online discussion forums. This approach is relatively common. |
![]() | Social | Present | Traditional | Interactive | Students work collaboratively Teacher teaches face to face Notes and resources obtained in lecture or in print Student does interactive computer work | Traditional, on-campus teaching and learning environment supplemented with interactive computer work and online discussion forums. This approach is relatively common. |
![]() | Social | Present | Digital | Passive | Students work collaboratively Teacher teaches face to face Notes and resources available digitally Computer use is passive | Traditional, on-campus teaching and learning environment except that notes and resources are available online and study is supplemented with online discussion forums. This approach is widespread. |
![]() | Social | Present | Digital | Interactive | Students work collaboratively Teacher teaches face to face Notes and resources available digitally Student does interactive computer work | Traditional, on-campus teaching and learning environment supplemented with online content, online discussion forums and interactive computer work. This approach is relatively common. |
![]() | Social | Absent | Traditional | Passive | Students work collaboratively Teacher is distant from students, but may play a role as online facilitator Notes and resources obtained traditionally Computer use is passive | Online distance education model based on online discourse supported by print based content. This approach is uncommon, but was used in computer mediated communications prior to the advent of the WWW. |
![]() | Social | Absent | Traditional | Interactive | Students work collaboratively Teacher is distant from students, but may play a role as online facilitator Notes and resources obtained traditionally Student does interactive computer work | Distance education model based on online discourse supported by print based content and interactive computer work. This approach is rare. |
![]() | Social | Absent | Digital | Passive | Students work collaboratively Teacher is distant from students, but may play a role as online facilitator Notes and resources available digitally Computer use is passive | Online distance education model based on online discourse supported by online content. This approach is common. |
![]() | Social | Absent | Digital | Interactive | Students work collaboratively Teacher is distant from students, but may play a role as online facilitator Notes and resources available digitally Student does interactive computer work | Online distance education model based on online discourse supported by online content and interactive computer work. This approach is uncommon. |
In 2000, the Australian government Department of Education Science and training (DEST) carried out an audit of online education provision (Bell et al., 2002) at universities in Australia. Three definitions (including sub-definitions) were used, as shown in Table 3. The four design dimensions adequately distinguish between the 5 modes and sub-modes. Notice, however, that the latter two modes combine different aspects of interactions with the learning environment, with both individual and social work possible.
Several other examples of e-learning environments are analysed below in terms of the four design dimensions.
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Online Mode | Dimensions | |
Mode A - Web Supplemented Enrolled students can optionally access online information on units of study that is additional to that available in the university's calendar or handbook. E.g. course descriptions and study guides, examination information, assessment overview, reading lists and other online learning resources. | ![]() | |
Mode B - Web Dependent Some face to face component with compulsory participation online in: | 1. using the web to interact with the education content necessary for study | ![]() |
2. using the web to communicate with staff and/or other students | ![]() | |
3. using the web both to interact with content and to communicate with staff and/or other students | ![]() | |
Mode C - Fully Online All interactions with staff and students, education content, learning activities, assessment and support services are integrated and delivered online, with no face to face component. | ![]() |
The four design dimensions are intended to be pedagogically neutral, with no judgement implied that one element of each pair is intrinsically more valuable than the other. Effective learning is possible in each of the 16 scenarios, although judgements about the rate of adoption of each approach (see Table 2) indicate that certain combinations are less likely to be effective. For example, the SATI combination, a traditional distance education model supported with online discourse and interactive computer work, was judged to be rare, but may occur in situations such as at the UK Open University.
Table 2 indicates that the sixteen combinations of dimensions are not all equally common. Four combinations are rare or uncommon, but the other 12 combinations are readily identifiable in various educational contexts, with four being widespread.
While the design dimensions appear to be fit for the purpose for which they were designed, further analysis has indicated that there are shortcomings in the representation of the four design dimensions.
The nature of the continuity of each dimension is discussed below.
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In terms of the representation shown in Fig. 1, judgements have to be made about which is the dominant characteristic. In cases where e-learning is designed to be both individual and social, both values should be highlighted.
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These factors indicate that the representation of the four dimensions used here is not entirely accurate, but this raises the question about the need for them to be accurate.
While the continuity of the dimensions as been argued, the value chosen for any scale is currently subjective, and the value is not quantitatively justifiable. Similarly, the granularity of the e-learning application affects the ambiguity of the classification. A self contained learning object can be relatively unambiguously classified. However, an entire unit of study is likely to have mixtures of the different classifications, making it difficult to classify accurately.
Given these arguments, and the difficulty of representing the complexity of the dimensions on paper, the current representation is considered to be adequate.
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Hopefully this paper provides a starting point for understanding the diversity of e-learning, and a platform for further discussion about an emerging field of inquiry.
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Please cite as: Phillips, R. (2004). The design dimensions of e-learning. In R. Atkinson, C. McBeath, D. Jonas-Dwyer & R. Phillips (Eds), Beyond the comfort zone: Proceedings of the 21st ASCILITE Conference (pp. 781-790). Perth, 5-8 December. http://www.ascilite.org.au/conferences/perth04/procs/phillips.html |
© 2004 Rob Phillips
The author assigns to ASCILITE and educational non-profit institutions a non-exclusive licence to use this document for personal use and in courses of instruction provided that the article is used in full and this copyright statement is reproduced. The author also grants a non-exclusive licence to ASCILITE to publish this document on the ASCILITE web site (including any mirror or archival sites that may be developed) and in printed form within the ASCILITE 2004 Conference Proceedings. Any other usage is prohibited without the express permission of the author.