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Experience Perth, Western Australia

Winthrop Hall photo detail
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Conference venue: The University of Western Australia

A superb riverside setting and Mediterranean Romanesque architecture assure The University of Western Australia its widely acknowledged status as Australia's most beautiful university campus. Where Tradition meets Tomorrow

Information for visitors to Perth
Verticordia species in flower
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Inside Giants Cave
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Go further afield...
  • NatureBase. Department of Conservation and Land Management. A superb guide to WA's national parks, marine parks, flora and fauna.
  • The Bibbulmun Track. For walkers wishing to go beyond the comfort zone, a 963 km walktrail from Kalamunda to Albany.
  • The Gloucester Tree. For walkers not wishing to leave their comfort zone. Easy walking, only 60 m.
  • Giants Cave and Calgardup Cave
    Among many caves in the Leeuwin-Naturaliste National Park, Giants and Calgardup are unique: "...Calgardup and Giants caves are not electrically lit. They are self-guided, providing a natural experience of the cave environment. Visitors are equipped with helmets, lamps and information for their very own discovery of of these subterranean wonderlands." Giants Cave (photo right) is a highly recommended learning experience for adherents to constructivist pedagogies - self paced discovery learning, scaffolded throughout its 575 metre length (except for some dodgy passages), no prequisites other than strong enclosed footware and age above 6 years.... not beyond your average comfort zone.

ASCILITE 2004 © Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education