Conference photos

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5 July
At the Welcome Reception, in Building 18 Foyer, on the Churchlands Campus of our venue sponsor, Edith Cowan University.
Plenary sessions were held in LT4, Building 18, well equipped with Internet access and video projection.
Held in the adjacent case Studies Rooms 1, 2 and 3 of Building 17, also well equipped with Internet access and video projection.
Time to gossip, catch up, ear bash, talk to agents, check the email.... and also eat (to our caterers, Attitude To Food, thank you!)
Dinner I
At the Dining Hall, St George's College, Crawley. A most convivial venue. Many thanks to their capable and forgiving staff...
Dinner II
No, we did not have two Dinners, it's just that the file set became too large so here is the "ahrr, later on..." collection.

The conference photographs are © 1998 to the persons photographed and ASET, and are web published by permisssion. Photographs may not be reprinted or mounted on other servers (other than proxy servers) by persons other than the subjects unless permission is sought and granted.

Please cite as: ASET (1998). Conference photos. In C. McBeath and R. Atkinson (Eds), Planning for Progress, Partnership and Profit. Proceedings EdTech'98. Perth: Australian Society for Educational Technology.

Digital photography by Roger Atkinson, using Apple QuickTake 150 camera. Image processing with Apple PhotoFlash on a Macintosh PowerBook 1400cs.

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© 1998 The subjects and ASET.
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Last revision: 16 Apr 2003. Editor: Roger Atkinson
Previous URL from 9 Jul 1998 to 30 Sep 2002: