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Editorial Review Panel Members

Each panel member was given ten abstracts and asked to review each abstract in terms of the following criteria:

Relevance How well does the abstract relate to the conference theme "What works and why?"
Interest Level How interesting is the information from this abstract likely to be to the conference delegates?
Application How easily and readily does this information apply to other universities and tertiary education contexts?
Innovation and Freshness How innovative and fresh are the ideas and the teaching and learning product, idea, application, theory etc. being described?
Implementation and evaluation How well does the abstract plan to report and evaluate actual implementations of the teaching and learning product, idea, application, theory etc.?

The reviewers were also asked to write a few sentences describing their overall impressions in support of their evaluation of each of the abstracts.

Don Cameron: - Curtin University of Technology

Carolyn Dowling: - Australian Catholic University

Allan Ellis: - Southern Cross University

Georgina Fyfe: - Curtin University of Technology

Barry Harper: - University of Wollongong

John Hedberg: - University of Wollongong

David Kennedy: - University of Melbourne

Ken Knibb: - Edith Cowan University

Clare McBeath: - Curtin University of Technology

Sue McNamara: - Monash University

Larry Nelson: - Curtin University of Technology

Jeremy Pagram: - Edith Cowan University

Rob Phillips: - Curtin University of Technology

Geoff Ring: - Edith Cowan University

Sue Stoney: - Edith Cowan University

Steve Tripp: - University of Aizu, Japan

Roger Debreceny: - Southern Cross University

John Eklund: - University of Technology, Sydney

Brian Ferry: - University of Wollongong

Cathy Gunn: - Auckland University

Ian Hart: - University of Hong Kong

Jan Herrington: - Edith Cowan University

Rod Kevill: - Curtin University of Technology

Robert Loss: - Curtin University of Technology

Catherine McLoughlin: - Edith Cowan University

Carmel McNaught: - La Trobe University

Ron Oliver: - Edith Cowan University

Russ Pennell: - University of Western Sydney Nepean

Jan Ring: - Edith Cowan University

Rod Sims: - Southern Cross University

Michael Tartellin: - Catswhisker Communications

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This page maintained by Rod Kevill. (Last updated: Thursday, 16 October 1997)