abstracts of papers and snapshots in the Conference
Keynote 1: "Grand Challenges" raised by the current revolution in higher learning Ehrmann, S
Keynote 2: Challenges to the higher education sector from corporate and virtual providers: the US and Australian response Bagdon, K
Keynote 3: The monster meets education: a relationship made in heaven? Whyte, A
Special presentation by NextEd: The total student experience McKey, P
Identifying a need for web-based course support
Affleck, G. and Smith, T.
Heuristic evaluation of educational multimedia: from theory to practice
Albion, P.R.
Virtual universities - future implications for students and academics
Anderson, M.
The hidden costs of networked learning - the impact of a costing framework on educational practice
Bacsich, P. and Ash, C.
Developing a culturally responsive curriculum: an electrical engineering experience
Boles, W. and Kelly, P.
Towards a communicative model of collaborative web-mediated learning
Cecez-Kecmanovic, D. and Webb, C.
Overcoming barriers to creating on-line communities
Clarke, S.
Talking in class: the roles of software agents and other participants in the social construction of knowledge within online learning environments
Dowling, C.
Staff development for online delivery: a collaborative team-based action learning model
Ellis, A. and Phelps, R.
Technological support for flexible learning within a pre-endorsement Masters of Midwifery course
Evans, P., Fahy, K., Williams, G. and McDonald, J.
The use of computer-mediated communication to support the formation of a knowledge-building community in initial teacher education
Ferry, B., Hoban, G. and Lockyer, L.
Student experiences of flexible learning
Gilbert, C.
Disadvantaging the disadvantaged?
Gollin, S. and Kies, D.
Getting IT together: a cooperative model for staff development
Gunn, C., Lefoe, G., Graham, A., Left, P. and Smith, C.
Designing for diversity within online learning environments
Holzl, A.
The evaluation of student performance and perception in web-based instruction in regard to age and gender
Jones, V. and Jo, J.H.
Patterns: using proven experience to develop online learning
Jones, D., Stewart, S. and Power, L.
Critical reflection on a program of development evaluation
Kennedy, G.E.
An evaluation of the use of multiple perspectives in the design of computer-facilitated learning
Kennedy, D., Eizenberg, N. and Kennedy, G.
Offline or online? A simulation exercise in a first year international politics unit
Kinder, J., Fardon, M. and Yasmeen, S.
Pedagogical foundations of web-based simulations in political science
Linser, R., Naidum S. and Ip, A.
The social impact of on-line learning
Lynch, K.
Diversity in course delivery: pharmacology 6 offered on campus and in a virtual classroom
Maclaren, P. and Shukla, H.
Lonely outpourings or reasoned dialogue? An analysis of text-based conferencing as a tool to support learning
McLoughlin, C. and Luca, J.
Instructional design for cultural difference: A case study of the Indigenous online learning in a tertiary context
McLoughlin, C. and Oliver, R.
Collaboration and competition. Dissemination and databases: developing a framework for accessing computer-facilitated learning (cfl) materials across the higher education sector in Australia
McNaught, C., Phillips, R., Rossiter, D. and Winn, J.
Using Web and problem-based learning environments to support the development of key skills
Oliver, R. and McLoughlin, C.
Replacing lectures with on-line learning: meeting the challenge
Oliver, R. and Omari, A.
Meeting Needs: a staff development resource for redesigning sociology courses according to an outcomes-based model
Phillips, R., Pospisil, R., Bell, J. and Patterson, A.
Critical elements: designing for online teaching
Reushle S., Dorman, M., Evans, P., Kirkwood, J., McDonald, J.and Worden, J.
Prerequisite principles for integrating (not just 'tacking-on') new technologies in the curricula of tertiary education large classes
Richards, C. and Nason, R.
Embedding technological literacy: A strategic university wide approach
Rossiter, D. and Bagdon, K.
Modelling new skills for online teaching
Salter, G. and Hansen, S.
The interactive conundrum I: Interactive constructs and learning theory
Sims, R.
Learning to learn online
Smith, E.
Implementing a generic framework for a web-based pedagogical agent
Smith, T., Affleck, G., Lees, B. and Branki, C.
Choosing the predict option
Swan, G.
The web, chat and laptops: IT practices & skills of transition students (1999)
Stein, A. and Annemieke, C.
Towards research-based designing for understanding fundamental concepts:
The case of the web-delivered Generative virtual classroom for teacher education
Schaverien, L.
Critical thinking in physiology: a reason!able approach
Van Gelder, T., Williams, N., Di Nicolantonio, R. and Kemm, R.
Encounters with Difference: in search of new learning spaces through internationalisation
Walsh, L.
Learning about control systems by model building - A biological case study
Weaver, D., Kemm, R., Petrovic, T., Harris, P. and Delbridge, L.
The role of communication in learning technologies
Wigforss, E.
Cultural diversity and transnational flexibility delivery
Ziguras, C.