IIMS 94 contents
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Competency based training: Opportunities for interactive multimedia

Stephen Schwalger

HOT-TRAIN began developing competency based interactive multimedia for the hospitality sector in 1991. Competency based training (CBT) offers a number of opportunities for interactive multimedia development and products. The major lessons we have learned and the strategies that facilitate this type of development are discussed in the workshop and accompanying paper.

CBT focuses on the learning outcomes an employee or student must achieve to he classed as competent. These learning outcomes cover both practical skills and theoretical knowledge components. However, unlike the education and training systems of old, particularly apprenticeships, they do not rely on time served or the number of classes attended. The curriculum for CBT is modular and is accepted throughout the country. All units of competency achieved by an individual, whether in the workplace or through structured off the job training, can be articulated in formal qualifications at TAFE or higher education institutions. In short, these are the building blocks for Australia's policy of life long learning.

The advantages of this approach for interactive multimedia developers are obvious:

  1. developers have access to curriculum documentation on which to base their courseware programs

  2. interactive multimedia courses which gain accreditation as training resources have a guaranteed Australia wide market

  3. interactive multimedia courses can gain industry accreditation, and therefore articulation into the more formal education structures and markets

  4. developers and clients can produce in-house training programs (to curriculum guidelines) which have a guaranteed external market

  5. the flexible self paced learning approach that multimedia delivers is highly sought in this market.

The development considerations

Developers should consider a numb er of issues when designing for competency based training.

Recognition of prior learning
All modules must include an opportunity for students to demonstrate RPL, at any stage of the course.

Industry accreditation
Each industry sector has an industry training education committee, or a recognised body for accrediting training resources. Discussion with them bodies should be undertaken before courseware development is initiated.

National Training Board competency profiles
Courses should be designed to achieve NTB competency profiles. This ensures a national market and access to the educational institutions.

Record keeping
Courseware administration systems must take into account the type and terminology of records that an promoted by the CBT process.

Flexibility of delivery
Courseware has a wider application if it includes paper based group training strategies, trainers' and trainees' notes, etc, as part of the overall package.

The paper to be presented at the symposium will cover these points and relate them to the practical lessons learned by HOT-TRAIN during their initial development for the Australian competency based training market.

Author: Stephen Schwalger, Managing Director, HOT-TRAIN, 46 Johnston St, Annandale NSW 2038 Tel. 02 568 3618 Fax. 02 560 3108

Please cite as: Schwalger, S. (1994). Competency based training: Opportunities for interactive multimedia. In C. McBeath and R. Atkinson (Eds), Proceedings of the Second International Interactive Multimedia Symposium, 499. Perth, Western Australia, 23-28 January. Promaco Conventions. http://www.aset.org.au/confs/iims/1994/qz/schwalger.html

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This URL: http://www.aset.org.au/confs/iims/1994/qz/schwalger.html
© 1994 Promaco Conventions. Reproduced by permission. Last revision: 15 Feb 2004. Editor: Roger Atkinson
Previous URL 18 Aug 2000 to 30 Sep 2002: http://cleo.murdoch.edu.au/gen/aset/confs/iims/94/qz/schwalger.html