The haves and the have nots. Those with knowledge and skills, and those without. The computer whizzkids and the rest, holding defensively to 'the human factor' ... The polarisation which undoubtedly occurs in many academic departments and faculties is not conducive to implementing successful innovations in the use of information technology in teaching and learning (IT in T&L). This paper will describe a project at La Trobe University which aims at breaking down these barriers and enabling all staff to learn about potential uses of computers in teaching and learning.
Resources are being moved into substantially improving the equipment infrastructure of the information technology facilities at La Trobe University. The key to using these new facilities for the enhancement of the quality of teaching and learning is effective staff development. The project (supported by Commonwealth Staff Development Fund grants for 1995 and 1996, and by institutional funds) uses several different approaches to involve staff in the use of information technology in teaching and learning. The design of the project is a multi-faceted one, with initiatives at all levels from institutional policy, programs in Faculty and Schools, and work with individuals.