Dr Larry Anderson is the Founder/Director of the National Center for Technology Planning, at Mississippi State University. Dr. Anderson's instructional emphases are in the areas of preservice teacher education, instructional technology, and technology planning. A long-time innovator with educational projects, he has founded numerous organizations and provided leadership roles in a variety of professional associations. Dr. Anderson co-founded "Apple-SWAP," an international public domain software clearinghouse, in the early days of microcomputing so that teachers could have easy access to a vast collection of inexpensive computer programs. Educators around the world attest to this having been one of the most beneficial stimuli ever to the integration of technology into instruction. |
Dr Tony Bryant is Professor of Informatics, School of Information Management, Leeds Metropolitan University, UK. He taught social science at Cambridge, Leeds and Durham universities before embarking into Computing. He worked with a commercial software developer, where his responsibilities ranged from programming, systems analysis, project management and consultancy. He returned to higher education at Leeds, and in 1988 became British Telecom (BT) Reader in Software Engineering. His research interests initially centred on the use of formal techniques for system specification, and from 1988-92 he ran a major research project. Lately his interests have developed into research into information management, process improvement, and organizational aspects of the use of IT. |
After a 10 year Public Service Career in South Australia and Victoria, leading to an executive Admin and Finance role in TAFE, Mark Keough joined the burgeoning computer industry as a Technical Service executive. Eventually owning his own computer dealership led Mark to an understanding of the commercial future of the Internet. In 1995 Mark founded TechWorks and developed a system which manages Training delivery and administration. He and his small team developed Qantas College Online, among the first corporate Internet training systems in the world. TechWorks now employs 15 people and counts among its customers some of Australia's blue chip organisations and educational institutions. |
Robert Long has been a teacher for more than 20 years in SA, NSW and ACT, across most sectors (Primary, Secondary, Tertiary - government and non-government) of education. He is currently the founding principal of an alternative school in the ACT called the Galilee Day Program. This is a government funded education service delivered by a private provider to young people in substitute care aged 13-17 excluded from the school system. These students have juvenile justice, mental health and accommodation issues which affect their educational development. Rob also lecturers part-time in the Faculty of Education, University of Canberra. Rob consults with schools and teachers on Internet/Intranet technology and curriculum. |
Jon Mason is currently a Senior Consultant with Education.Au Ltd where he has responsibilities for the ongoing development of the EdNA Directory Service and Higher Education liaison. Education.Au has evolved from its forerunner, the Open Learning Technology Corporation, and is charged with implementing the functions of Education Network Australia (EdNA). Prior to commencing this appointment, he was Higher Education Project Manager for EdNA. From 1994 to early 1998 he was based at the University of Melbourne within the Faculty of Education where he was Information Technology Manager. He has worked in IT management since 1992 and in IT services since 1989. |
John Mitchell is the Managing Director of John Mitchell & Associates, a consultancy company specialising in the areas of open learning, telemedicine and video conferencing. Services include feasibility studies, business cases, market analyses, planning reports, project management, methodology training, evaluation, research and information services. JMA has provided consultancies to 15 universities and many TAFE departments, school systems and private providers. John is co-author of a number of recent reports on open learning in Australia, including A planning model for innovation: New learning technologies, produced for Victoria's Office of Training and Further Education, and Educational and technology convergence, produced for NBEET. |
Dr Ron Oliver is Associate Professor in the School of Computer, Information and Mathematical Sciences, Edith Cowan University, specialising in multimedia and instructional technologies. He has extensive experience in implementing and researching applications of computer technologies in education and has a particular interest in the use of technologies to support open leaning and distance education. He is editor of the Australian Journal of Educational Technology and Associate Editor of the Journal of Interactive Learning Research. He has published widely in his field in international journals and has won awards for teaching and research. In 1997 he won the Australian Award for University Teaching for the use of multimedia in teaching. |
Greg Smith has been actively involved in education for the past 18 years and has been a specialist teacher in the areas of Computers and Information Technology for the last 5 years. His teaching has been in the area of the Internet and its associated technologies with all sectors from Early Childhood to Tertiary. He has been involved in the establishment of Intranets in schools and his own school's experiences have been described in Apple's Education News, and the school's web site also contains comprehensive documentation. [http://www.giralangps.act.edu.au]. He has been engaged as an Internet project consultant in the tertiary and commercial sectors. |