For abstracts and author details, please see EdTech'86 abstracts. A number of EdTech'86 presentations were published in AJET 3(1) and 3(2). For these, follow individual links on titles of papers, or refer to AJET 3 Contents.
Keynote Addresses | ||
Robin Moss | Broadcasting and the individual learner | |
Ian Mugridge | New technology and open learning | |
Michael Tibbetts | Convergent technology and convergent disciplines: Interactive video as an educational and informational tool | |
Nigel Paine | Educational technology and education in technology | |
Parallel Sessions | ||
Margaret Allan | The introduction of a new technology within one discipline: A case study | |
Roger Atkinson | Computer bulletin boards for distance education students | |
Robin Bishop | Electronic mail to enhance distance education | |
Ian Brown | Special keyboards for special needs: The Concept Keyboard | |
Jim Callan | Videotex in primary schools - a WA case study | |
Mick Campion | Technophilia and technophobia | |
Julie Carr | Audiographics in telecommunications | |
Anne Clyde | Information technology and school libraries | |
Ian Conboy | Evaluating educational video | |
Ian Conboy, Neil Elliott and Greddins Pty Ltd | Technology in victorian schools - what have we learned? | |
Susan Davis and Alan Williams | Communicating the teacher's needs to the student requirement | |
Jacqueline Dean and Alison Dewsbury | Software tools for enhancing language, literacy and reasoning | |
John Dekkers | Use of tutored video instruction in distance education | |
Anthony Ellis | The distance learner and computer programming | |
Andrew Greig | Australia, academia and the air waves: where are we going in educational broadcasting? | |
Jens Hansen | Introducing a teleconferencing network to the most remote region of New Zealand - or forgiveness is easier to achieve than permission | |
Dennis Harper | Computer education at the Institute of Education, Singapore | |
Robert Haynes and Graeme Parslow | Videodisc: a challenge to educators | |
Peter Hosie and Peter Leddin | The international teleclass in operation | |
Derek Holroyde | Community education through radio - a neglected dimension of educational technology | |
Shih-Hsion Huang | ROC: survey of the state of the art and likely future trends of CAI applications in higher education | |
Duncan Jamieson | Trade-offs in the selection of a computer-based training system | |
John Kirk | The impact of teleconferencing teletutorials on teaching literacy skills to remote adult aborigines in South Australia | |
Lloyd Lacy | Satellite communication in distance education | |
James Lange | Tele-education by television | |
Chun-Ip Lau | Microcomputer applications to ESL (English as a second language) reading instruction at the tertiary level | |
Laurie Living and John Camillo | English studies, technology and contract learning | |
Roy Lundin | Q-Net and education | |
Kevin McKenna and Robert Winter | Computer-based simulations in teaching - an effective instructional technique? | |
Alex Millar and Iain McAlpine | Using technology to break down geographical and post-secondary educational sectoral barriers | |
Nigel Muddle | Developing and using a micro-based CAL authoring language at Bruce TAFE College (ACT) | |
Freda Mulenga | The role of software technologies in distance teaching in a developing country | |
Graeme Murphy | Communication technologies: impact on role and function of traditional education support services: issues in tertiary education organisation | |
Joseph Murray | New technology and educational television | |
Michael O'Loughlin | The relationship between cognitive and affective components of computer literacy | |
Gary Pears and Ian Michael | "Cogg & Co": A technological simulation | |
Graham Pervan and Desmond Klass | The computer as a decision support tool for first-time business users | |
Graham Pervan and Desmond Klass | SASS - an administrative DSS | |
Mike Potter | Telesketch: New applications for audiographics in education | |
Erina Rayner | How to use the learning network | |
Alexander Romiszowski, Don Ely, David Krathwohl, Phil Doughty and Barbara Grabowski | The impact of expert systems on education and instructional design | |
Anne Russell | Audio visual applications of the microcomputer | |
Nigel Russell and Herb Peppard | Interactive videodisc - an Aussie barbecue experience | |
John Sanders | Microcomputer assistance for the in-service educator | |
Michael Scriven | A survey of state-of-the-art computer hardware and software for education | |
Sydney Smale | Distance and disabilities: The use of telecommunication technologies to provide services to children with communication disorders who live in isolated areas in Australia | |
Peter Smith | Technology in distance education: Turbocharging the horse and buggy | |
William Spence | The communication of technological innovations in theory and practice | |
James Steele | Supertext superdisc | |
Orson Tormey and Ian Hart | Desk-top publishing in education | |
Denise Walsh | A human context for telematics | |
Dulcy Windsor | Educational broadcasting for children in the context of lifelong learning (a Sri Lankan experience) |