Flexible Learning for a Flexible Society

Supporting Change

Moya Adams
Catherine Rytmeister

Beginning the academic career: How can it best be supported in the changing university climate?  **

Barbara Black
Robert Cannon
Owen Hicks

The missing link: developing the nexus between student feedback surveys and development for teachers

Patricia Cartwright
Lynne Noone

Collaboration in teaching and learning: Insights from TULIP (Tertiary Undergraduate Literacy Integration Program)

Patricia Cartwright
Josephine Ryan
Patricia Hacker
Elizabeth Powell
Jo Reidy

Collaboration and interaction: Modelling explored  **

K.C. Chu
Patrick Lai

Can PBL work for surface students?

Jane Fowler
Sara Branch

Supporting students and staff in a flexible learning environment: A case study

Rigmor George
Margaret Hicks

Changing context, changing practice: Managing change in student support services

Rigmor George
Holly McCausland
Dale Wache
Irene Doskatsch

Preparing students for a flexible society: An institutional strategy for lifelong learning

Margaret Hicks
Betty Leask

Online teaching - responding to and supporting change through staff development

Peter Kandlbinder

A case study approach to supporting change in post-graduate supervision

Peter Kandlbinder

Peeking under the covers: Understanding the foundations of online academic staff development

Betty Leask

Internationalisation: Changing contexts and their implications for teaching, learning and assessment

Marian Lewis
Dorothy Andrews

Creating a school for the 21st century: Experiences of a professional community

Ken W. Li

Helping students develop statical reasoning through Seeing Statistics™

Stephen Marshall
Moya Adams
Alison Cameron

In search of academic leadership

Catherine McLoughlin
Joe Luca

Assessment methodologies in transition: Changing practices in web-based learning

Kogi Naidoo

Training and development: Cutting edge strategy for managing change at a transforming university

Amanda Pearce
Helen Murphy
Paul Conroy

Smoother pathways from TAFE to higher education

Alex Radloff
Barbara de la Harpe

Helping students develop their writing skills - a resource for lecturers

Ian Robertson
Don Sweeney

If online learning is the answer - What was the question? A vocational education and training perspective  **

Lucy Schulz
Judy Szekeres
Anna Ciccarelli

A case study of creating partnerships for learning: New models of collegiality at the University of South Australia  **

Izabel Soliman

Supporting collaboration in rationalising an area of study

Lesley Willcoxson

Strategies for changing a university into a 'learning organisation'

John Wyber
Barbara de la Harpe

Professional skills of postgraduate students enhancement for a career in business  **

** Denotes change of title from conference presentation

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