Flexible Learning for a Flexible Society

Changing Learning Contexts
Peter Albion Developing interactive multimedia using a problem-based learning framework
Trish Andrews
Terrie Ferman
The flexible learning experience - how good is it really?
Robyn Benson
Debra Kiegaldie
Becoming flexible: Resolving the paradox of teacher-directed student-centred learning
Joanne Brownlee Beliefs about knowing in pre-service teacher education students
Melissa Bull
Lesley Jolly
Peter Kelly
Peter Newcombe
Sylvie Tourigny
Building Behavioural Studies: Flexible curriculum design and pedagogy in progress
R.N. Buttsworth Problems and solutions in mathematical education - a spectrum extremity
Angela Carbone
Kathy Lynch
David Arnott
Peter Jamieson
Introducing a studio-based learning environment into Information Technology
K.C. Chu
Dennis Leung
Gaining practical skills through scenario-based learning
Angela Coco
Ian Woodward
Gillian Lupton
Andrew Peake
Kirstyn Shaw
Bourdieu, learning theory and a new game for action learning in lectures  **
Alan Davies
Bob Dick
Stewart Hase
Shankar Sankaran
Michael Gloster
Richard Kwok
Problem-based learning with academic accreditation: A flexible postgraduate program for managers and practitioners using action research at the workplace
John Dekkers
Trish Andrews
A meta-analysis of flexible delivery in selected Australian tertiary institutions: How flexible is flexible delivery?
Aruna Deo Evaluating three approaches to flexible delivery in the university classroom
Carmel Diezmann Nicola Yelland Being flexible about flexible learning and delivery  **
Anne Ditcher
Sally Hunter
The instrumental student: An increasing problem?
Michael Docherty
Allison Brown
Studio-based teaching in Information Technology
Cath Ellis
Alisa Percy
Building online essay writing support tools
Robert A. Ellis Flexibility in genre-based literacy pedagogy: Critical assessments of flexibility  **
Lewis Gratton Using online forums to foster communication and reflective practice for students on practicum
John Green Using video to supplement the teaching practicum:
A work in progress  **
Steve Hansen
Graeme Salter
The take-up of web technology: Promoting changes in teaching staff and in the institution
Nick James How can flexible delivery enhance the facilitation of a critical understanding of law?
Cathy Jenkins The online forum as flexible assessment: Gender differences in participation
Lesley Jolly
David Radcliffe
Reflexivity and hegemony: Changing engineers
Jeremy Keens
Alistair Inglis
First year students’ attitude to on-line discussion
John W. Liston The pedagogy of interactive models within an Engineering course  **
Lisa Lobry de Bruyn
Julian Prior
Changing student learning focus in natural resource management education - problems (and some solutions) with using problem based learning
Martin Maguire
Des Matejka
On-line delivery: making the rough road smooth
Mary Jane Mahony
Colleen Mullavey-O’Byrne
Joy Higgs
Fran Everingham
Multiple dimensions of flexibility in health sciences professional preparation programs: Challenges for curriculum development and organisational change
Catherine Manathunga A blueprint for change: Introducing flexible delivery into teacher education
Debra Manning Traps for new players: The challenges of shifting to flexible learning
Des Matejka
Martin Maguire
A responsive conceptual framework for effective on-line delivery
Iain McAlpine Multimedia design using problem based learning for pasture management
C.A.L Pearson
S.R. Chatterjee
Developing teaching environments for self-regulated learners: A longitudinal assessment with international students
Cec Pedersen
Rod St Hill
Meeting some challenges of learner diversity by applying modal preference and learning needs to adult learning
Ian C. Reid A university goes online: Avoiding throwing the innovative baby out with the strategic bath water
Ian C. Reid.
Andrew Welch
Evaluation goes online - what are the issues?
Graeme Salter
Steve Hansen
Facilitating web-based staff development in higher education
Graeme Salter
Phil Nanlohy
Steve Hansen
Online discussion groups: Strategies to enhance participation and collaboration
Judy Sheard
Margot Postema
Selby Markham
Resource rich learning environments: students' valuations of resources within courses
Calvin Smith
Geoff Isaacs
Alan Holzl
Debra Herbert
Kathy Roulston
The first cohort at a new campus: Who are they? What do they bring? Where are they going? Why did they come?
Lynda Thater
Neville Richter
Redesigning skill-based IT subjects for the 21st century
Juhani E. Tuovinen Implications of discovery learning research for the design of flexible learning
Alison R. Viskovic Students' attitudes to using forms of on-line learning support
Nicola Yelland
Jennifer Masters
Changing learning contexts with technology: Design and innovation in creating new learning materials **

** Denotes change of title from conference presentation

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