Mac Help File
- If you are having problems viewing PDF Documents within your browser
and you have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer, go to
the instructions for the browser you are using:
- If you are having problems viewing the Word documents from the Table
of Contents - DOC and you have Microsoft Word installed on your computer,
go to the instructions for the browser you are using:
PDF Files In Netscape:
Check the following:
- Locate the Netscape folder on your hard drive and open the "Plug-ins"
folder inside.
- Check for the existence of a file named "PDFViewer". If
it exists close the folders and go to step 5, otherwise...
- Locate the Acrobat Reader folder on your hard drive and open the
folder "Web Browser Plug-in"
- Copy (Option-Click & drag) the file "PDFViewer" into
the "Plug-ins" folder in the Netscape folder opened in step
1. Close the folders.
- Open the Netscape application on your computer.
- Select the "Edit" menu and choose "Preferences..."
- From the "Category" list select "Navigator", "Applications"
- Scroll through the Applications list to find "Portable Document
Format", i.e.
- If it does not exist then select the "New..." button,
otherwise click on it to select
it (as above) then select the "Edit..." button.
- Ensure the details are completed as per:

- Click on the "OK" buttons to close all windows.
- Close Netscape.
- Re-start the ASET/HERDSA program.
PDF Files In Internet Explorer:
Check the following:
- Locate and open the "System Folder" on your hard drive.
- Open the folder "Internet Plug-Ins"
- Check for the existence of a file named "PDFViewer". If
it exists close the folders
and go to step 5, otherwise...
- Locate the Acrobat Reader folder on your hard drive and open the
folder "Web
Browser Plug-in"
- Copy (Option-Click & drag) the file "PDFViewer" into
the "Internet Plug-Ins" folder
in the "System" folder opened in step 1. Close the folders.
- Open the Internet Explorer application on your computer.
- Select the "Edit" menu and choose "Preferences..."
- Select "Receiving Files", "File Helpers".
- Scroll through the Applications list to find "Portable Document
Format", i.e.

- If it does not exist then select the "Add..." button,
otherwise click on it to select it (as above) then select the "Change..."
- Ensure the details are completed as per the following image:
- Type in the details for "Representation"
- For "File Type" select the "Browse..." button
and locate the Acrobat Reader application on your hard drive.
- For "Download Destination" and "Handling"
select from the drop down menus.
- Click on the "OK" buttons to close all windows.
- Close Internet Explorer.
- Re-start the ASET/HERDSA program.
Check the following:
- Open the Netscape application on your computer.
- Select the "Edit" menu and choose "Preferences..."
- From the "Category" list select "Navigator", "Applications"
- Scroll through the Applications list to find "Microsoft
Word Document", i.e.

- If it does not exist then select the "New..." button,
otherwise click on it to select
it (as above) then select the "Edit..." button.
- Ensure the details are completed as per:
- Type in the details for "Description", "MIME
Type" and "Suffixes"
- Click on the "Choose..." button and locate Microsoft
Word application on
your hard drive.
- Click on the "OK" buttons to close all
- Close Netscape.
- Re-start the ASET/HERDSA program.
Word Document
Files In Internet Explorer:
Check the following:
- Open the Internet Explorer application on your computer.
- Select the "Edit" menu and choose "Preferences..."
- Select "Receiving Files", "File Helpers".
- Scroll through the Applications list to find "Word Document", i.e.

- If it does not exist then select the "Add..."
button, otherwise click on it to select it (as above) then select
the "Change..." button.
- Ensure the details are completed as per the following image:
- Type in the details for "Representation"
- For "File Type" select the "Browse..."
button and locate the Microsoft Word application on your hard
drive - the File type and File creator will be filled in automatically.
- For "Download Destination" and "Handling"
select from the drop down menus.
- Click on the "OK" buttons to close all windows.
- Close Internet Explorer.
- Re-start the ASET/HERDSA program.