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Interactive multimedia technology and computer aided learning offer training solutions that are both cost effective and efficient. Current economic conditions are forcing many companies and organisations, both private and government, to downsize their staffing levels, with an associated effect on their training resources. Training standards and levels of efficiency must however, be retained. This paper examines some potential benefits of interactive multimedia technology as a training resource and explores a range of possible applications. Particular reference is made to the Department of Defence (Army), which is representative of an organisation that faces the training dilemma.
Given the current economic conditions, many companies and organisations are faced with the dilemma of downsizing their training manpower resources, while still trying to meet the demands of the Federal Government workplace training requirement., New developments in computer technology have provided an innovative solution to this problem. Computer aided learning courseware now offers an affordable alternative in the achievement of training aims and objectives within the organisational structure. The value of this courseware has been enhanced by continued developments in the field of interactive multimedia technology.
The reduction in training resources is not unique to the private sector. Government departments also face this training dilemma through a reduction in size of the Public Service - both state and federal. The Department of Defence is one such department. This paper focuses on one particular branch of the Department - the Army. The reductions imposed by the recent Force Structure Review have necessitated a review of training methodologies with the aim of maintaining levels of training excellence in the face of reduced availability of funds and resources. The availability of computer aided learning courseware and interactive multimedia tools provides a cost effective approach to achieving the Army's training aims.
Computer aided learning systems can be used in an instructional role or in the examination of academic performance. Such systems can be used in either group or one on one situations, and may or nay not require the presence of the instructor. These systems increasingly use an interactive multimedia format and are usually self paced, with the user controlling the speed of the training lesson. Given the current economic climate, computer aided learning offers a number of advantages over more traditional training methods, including:
This was the theme of a NATO symposium held in Brussels in the Spring of 1985 (Seidel et al, 1987). Sponsored by NATO Defence Research Group Panel VIII, this symposium brought together representatives from many countries to exchange ideas on how burgeoning computer technologies could assist in solving the training dilemma facing the military. One paper defined the problem as being the need 'to provide permanently trained personnel capable of achieving optimum effectiveness of their higher performance weapons and ready to intervene in the shortest possible time in any theatre of operations' (Saint-Raymond, 1987). The paper went on to state that training efforts should provide 'high level instruction to allow substantial savings of munitions, operating costs... and wear' but over shortened periods of time (Saint-Raymond, 1987). It was felt that computer based simulation systems offered a solution to the problem.
Research programs discussed covered a broad spectrum of computer aided learning systems ranging from simulators through authoring systems to systems that used artificial intelligence techniques. This symposium identified a number of areas in which computers could be employed successfully, including 'drills/tutorials... simulations/games, and guidance' (Wiggs et al, 1987). The major limitation at the time was the state of development of computer technology - low cost, powerful desktop computers were not readily available.
Today, the situation has changed. High performance, affordable desktop computers are now commonplace, even amongst the services. This advance in computer hardware has been matched by the development of new software applications. This is particularly the case in the area of computer aided learning. A variety of authoring systems (programs that allow a user to construct computer based lessons/tutorials) are commercially available and these can be used to develop courseware that meets specific training objectives. This courseware can be instructional, interactive or multimedia in format - depending on the training objectives detailed by the course coordinator.
An example of current military courseware was demonstrated at the Fifth World Conference on Computers in Education held in Sydney in July 1990. At the conference, Commanders Mizen and Marley presented a paper on the development and use of computer aided learning by the Royal Navy (Mizen et al, 1990). This program is administered by the Directorate of Naval Educational Training Support and the Royal Naval School of Educational and Training Technology. Accompanying the presentation was a demonstration of a training package entitled ' Rule of the Road', that was used in the training of bridge watch officers. The courseware had been developed to Royal Navy specifications by Rediffusion Simulation Limited using the authoring system TenCORE.
This presentation highlighted a key point in the application of computer aided learning techniques to the solution of training problems. Not all training courses can be developed as computer aided learning courseware, therefore, the specific training objectives of a course must be clearly defined and the Royal Navy found this to be a threefold process. The first step is to establish the operational objectives of a course in terms of
The Royal Navy develop courseware in a number of training areas, including simulation, drill and practice, emulation and surrogate travel. It was found that computer aided learning offered a suitable, cost effective solution to training problems in these areas. In particular, it was found that simulation and drill and practice were areas that showed particular promise for future development and further funding will be made available. In a similar way, this approach could be adopted by the Australian services as a means of overcoming some of our training problems.
The assessment of the cost effectiveness of interactive multimedia training courseware is an ongoing area of research around the world. In the military environment, it is the focus of studies being conducted in the United States, United Kingdom, Canada and Australia. The results of this research are published through TTCP Sub Group U Technical Panel UTP-2 as mentioned above.
A US study found that by using interactive laser videodisc technology, an improvement of around 0.50 standard deviations over less interactive, more conventional approaches to instruction' could be achieved (TTCP UTP-2, 1991). This equates to raising a student's results from the 50th percentile to the 69th percentile. Similar results were noted across 24 military training subjects with results being increased from the 50th to the 65th percentile. The final assessment of this report was that this particular training technology was cost effective and training efficient and that it be 'routinely considered for use in military training and education' (TTCP UTP-2, 1991). These findings were expanded in a later US study on the effectiveness and cost of interactive videodisc instruction (IVI) in defence training. This study produced a number of important results regarding the performance effectiveness and cost of interactive training technology (Fletcher, 1991). The following observations were made in terms of performance enhancement:
In a survey of 13 situations, a cost ratio was calculated comparing the costs of IVI to the costs of conventional forms of military training. The results of the survey showed that IVI was less costly and resulted in a time saving across the situations of 31 per cent, which can be translated into an immediate dollar saving.In his conclusion, Fletcher noted that 'the 47 studies reviewed here indicate that interactive videodisc instruction is both more effective and less costly than conventional instruction' (Fletcher, 1991).
Another TTCP study on the cost effectiveness of interactive courseware (ICW) in the military environment was presented as a draft paper at Victoria, Canada in June 1992. In addition to assessing Fletcher's earlier work, the paper observed that in 24 studies conducted in military training, the effect size was found to be higher with the adoption of an interactive technology. The study concluded that 'across many instructional settings and subject matters, ICW programs have been found to be more effective than conventional instructional programs' (TTCP, 1992). In terms of evaluating the cost effectiveness of ICW, the paper urged the adoption of Kazanowski's ten step approach to cost effectiveness evaluation. Originally designed for evaluating the cost effectiveness of weapons systems, the methodology can be adapted to cost effectiveness studies in other technologies. His ten points can be summarised as follows:
Similar success can be achieved by the use of other computer aided learning technologies. For example, the Royal Navy has found that by introducing a CAL keyboard trainer with high quality courseware into one particular weapon systems training course, the course failure rate has dropped from 20 percent to 3 percent. In the area of drill and practice, results indicate that both trainees and trainers respond positively to the use of CAL systems (Mizen et al, 1990). Likewise, a paper presented at the 1985 NATO symposium discussed the results of initial trials by the British Army of a computerised part task trainer (PTT) for the new Chieftain tank Improved Fire Control System (IFCS). These trials showed that by using the part task trainer in conjunction with the standard Gunnery Training Simulator, trainee gunners increased their percentage of hits from 10 percent to 44 percent, with an associated drop in procedural errors from 61 percent to 27 percent (Heaton, 1987). Results such as these indicate a positive benefit that can be obtained from the appropriate use of computer aided learning in different areas of military training.
In 1991, Army Training Command set a goal to 'increase the effectiveness and efficiency of the Command through the greater use of technology' (Training To Win, 1990). It was recognised that over the next decade, significant changes will take place within Army. Manpower and budgetary constraints are likely to become tighter, costs increase and training resources will, most likely, be reduced. In spite of these changes, any training methods that are adopted must still achieve suitable levels of efficiency.
It Is felt that one solution is offered by the new developments in interactive multimedia technology. This technology allows the development of training courseware that maintains levels of efficiency. tailored to the constraints of funding and resources. With this in mind, a discussion paper entitled 2020 Vision has been written that outlines a possible strategy for the implementation of this technology. It must be emphasised that this paper is only a discussion paper on a particular concept and does not represent any official policy or strategy. However, it does contain some interesting ideas on the adoption of interactive multimedia technology into an organisation's training program.
Before one could implement a training methodology that utilised interactive multimedia, a number of system requirements would need to be identified. These would include the following:
The paper discusses a possible future scenario that sees the development of a number of Multimedia and Interactive Training Centres (MITC) near to concentrations of trainees. These centres would function as learning facilities for both Regular and Reserve components of Army, and to distribute training to local units. The MITCs would he networked together and to a central Multimedia and Interactive Training Development Centre (MITDC). Training programs would be developed at the MITDC utilising all facets of multimedia technology including virtual reality and teleconferencing. Administering the structure would be the Multimedia and Interactive Training Centre Headquarters (MITCH). The role of the MITCH would include a research and development component to monitor developments in multimedia technology to ensure the currency of fielded systems.
The discussion paper proposes the use of many technologies, for example Digital Video Interactive, CD-ROM and CD-I, but it does not refer to the new developments in high speed networks for the transmission of large volumes of data. Such networks facilitate distributed multimedia training over large distances. The ability of these networks to quickly transmit large volumes of data, in any format, over large distances will force a review of current systems. Technologies such as CD-ROM and CD-1 may well become obsolete as a method of data transfer.
As it is proposed, the 2020 Vision concept offers an innovative training solution to Army as it approaches the 21st Century. Its implementation would be challenging but the potential benefits in terms of efficiency and cost effectiveness would be high. Such a system would have an inherent flexibility, providing trainers with tools to design solutions to new training problems as they arise.
A reflection of Army's awareness of the advantages in having officers who are bilingual is the proposal that from January 2001, Army officers must have a colloquial proficiency in a regional language. This would be a core requirement for promotion to Lieutenant Colonel. It is felt that such a policy would contribute to the growth of regional understanding and cooperation. It must be acknowledged, however, that not everyone has an aptitude for languages. As an alternative to language training, study programs in Asian culture could be developed.
How such a proposal could be implemented is a question that needs to be resolved. Cost is a critical factor, as is the availability of resources in term of facilities and instructors. The defence force has a School of Languages, administered by the Royal Australian Air Force, but this is a single facility with limited student capacity. Other solutions must be found.
Interactive multimedia technology could well offer the necessary solution. By utilising this technology, training packages could be developed that combine the functionality the language laboratory, grammar texts and tutorials into a single package. Packages would provide exercises in basic grammar, sentence repetition and finally conversational dialogue. Packages could be tailored for different levels of language proficiency ranging from a basic understanding of a language through to colloquial fluency.
A number of computer based language packages are available commercially, ranging from simple phrase and grammar teachers through to CD-ROM based language courses. It would seem though that none of this courseware has yet taken full advantage of the burgeoning world of interactive multimedia.
Fletcher, J. D. (1991). Effectiveness and cost of interactive videodisc instruction in defense training and education. The Technical Cooperation Program, Sub Group U, Technical Panel UTP-2 Training Technology.
Heaton, C. (1987). Video game technology and training research, 282-283. In Seidel, R. J. & Weddle, P. D. (Eds), Computer based instruction in military environments. New York: Plenum Press.
Mizen, Cdr A. E., Marley, Cdr P. S. & Moore, Lt Cdr G. (1990). Computer based training in the Royal Navy, 893-897. In McDougall, A. & Dowling, C. (Eds), Computers in education: Proceedings of the IFIP TC 3 Fifth World Conference on Computers in Education, Holland.
Saint-Raymond, C. (1987). Weapon training and simulation, 89. In Seidel, R. J. & Weddle, P. D. (Eds), Computer based instruction in military environments. New York: Plenum Press.
Tan, W. and Nguyen, A. (1992). Costing models for computer based interactive systems in the Australian tertiary education context: Effects of learning strategies and degrees of interactivity. In Promaco Conventions (Ed.), Proceedings of the International Interactive Multimedia Symposium, 127-148. Perth, Western Australia, 27-31 January. Promaco Conventions. http://www.aset.org.au/confs/iims/1992/tan-w.html
Training Guarantee (Administration) Act 1990. Canberra: Australian Government Publishing Service.
The Technical Cooperation Program, Subgroup U, Technical Panel UTP-2 (1991). Report of Annual Meeting. York, United Kingdom, June.
The Technical Cooperation Program, Subgroup U, Technical Panel UTP-2 (1992). Cost effectiveness of interactive courseware (Draft Paper). Victoria, Canada.
Training To Win - 1991: Training Command Strategic Plan for the 1990s (1990). Sydney: Headquarters Training Command.
Wiggs, C. L. & Seidel, R. J. (1987). An overview of computer based instruction in military environments, 2. In Seidel, R. J. & Weddle, P. D. (Eds), Computer based instruction in military environments. New York: Plenum Press.
Disclaimer: The views expressed in this paper are those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of the Department of Defence or the Australian Defence Force.
Author: Myles Wilmott Army Battle Simulation Group, Headquarters Training Command, Suakin Drive, Mosman NSW 2088 Tel. 02 960 9296 Fax. 02 969 1145 Please cite as: Wilmott, M. (1994). Cost effective training: The interactive multimedia solution. In C. McBeath and R. Atkinson (Eds), Proceedings of the Second International Interactive Multimedia Symposium, 583-588. Perth, Western Australia, 23-28 January. Promaco Conventions. http://www.aset.org.au/confs/iims/1994/qz/wilmott.html |