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Dr Robin MossEducational broadcasting has traditionally aimed at audiences and has therefore been framed as teaching. For many reasons the focus is now principally on the learner. New technology is helping with this process.
Head, Educational Programme Services, Independent Broadcasting Authority
70 Brompton Road, London SW3 IEY, UK
In Britain, education is in crisis. Major reforms in public examinations and in training approaches are in hand amid public disquiet about the educational system. The newly proposed Open College (1987) may have up to one million UK students taking courses in a wide range of subjects by 1992. Independent broadcasting hopes to play a major role in this initiative, building on the experience and research of how individuals respond to radio and television broadcasts.
Dr Ian MugridgeThis paper is primarily a discussion of the development of open learning in Canada in general and in British Columbia in particular where the establishment of a definable "open learning system" is well advanced. The importance of a political commitment to the development of such a system will be discussed as well as the educational and social objectives involved. Within this context, there will be a discussion of the use of new technologies to help achieve these objectives, both by themselves and in combination with one another and with more traditional methods of education.
Dean, Open University Open Learning Institute
7671 Alderbridge Way, Richmond, BC VOX 1Z9, Canada
Mr Michael TibbettsThe interactive videodisc combines the characteristics of television, audio-visual and computer technology to provide unique opportunities for information, education and training. The BBC Domesday Project is exploiting this technology to create a twentieth century version of the Domesday Book, which will serve as a comprehensive and multi-disciplinary resource about Britain in the year 1986.
Assistant Editor BBC Domesday Project
Bilton House, 54-58 Uxbridge Road, Ealing WS2TS, UK
The project has been possible because of a unique partnership between education, government and the commercial sector and has resulted in the development of new hardware/software systems of greater sophistication to any previously developed. This presentation will describe the complex design processes involved in this project and their implications for future projects, including a proposed Australian Bicentennial videodisc. It is hoped that a finished Domesday system will be available at the Conference.
Mr Nigel PaineThis paper will discuss the impact of new technology on education. It will be concerned with new technology as a method of delivery, a subject and an object of education. It will argue that if the educational world does not respond to the new networks being established and the new curriculum areas being developed then altemative means of formal and informal learning will develop. The whole issue of innovation in education will be discussed looking at centralist or devolved models for educational development. [Publication]
Assistant Director (Learning Systems)
Scottish Council for Educational Technology (SCET)
74 Victoria Road Glasgow G12 9JN, UK
Ms Margaret AllanThe effective introduction of a new technology, video cassette playback, within a particular discipline, the teaching of English as a foreign language, called for the development of an appropriate methodology, which in turn required a new style of software. A case study of a video materials development project traces its growth from initial experimental production within one institution. Discussion will focus on the shift in constraints which accompanied the move into production for publication, the ways in which this affected content and problems inherent in large-scale dissemination of materials which are dependent on an associated transfer of methodology. [Publication]
Senior Lecturer, Department of Pedagogics, and Director (Honorary) Audio Visual Unit
James Cook University of North Queensland
Townsville 4811 Queensland
Dr Roger AtkinsonWhilst the use of computers in education is concentrated on teaching and learning activities, there remains an important unmet need for informal, computer-based communications between students. For distance education especially, computer bulletin boards offer a low cost way to create an electronic "grapevine", for students to exchange ideas, air opinions, provide mutual help and services such as news and second hand markets. This paper describes some typical bulletin boards, equipment and management requirements, and experiences at Murdoch University. [Publication]
Senior Education Officer, External Studies Unit
Murdoch University, Murdoch 6150, Western Australia
Mrs Robin BishopOne of the greatest problems in distance education is the time lag in the turnaround time of students' work. This is compounded by the lack of interaction between students and teachers and between students themselves. The Correspondence School, Sydney, has set up an electronic mail network to reduce the turnaround time and improve student/teacher and student peer group interaction. To ensure the successful implementation of such a network, detailed planning and relevant implementation strategies are required.
Technology Development Officer, Distance Education
NSW Department of Education
GPO Box 7098, Sydney 2001, New South Wales
This paper will address the philosophical, human, technical and financial aspects which must be addressed when implementing new technologies in distance education. (Teleconference)
Dr Ian BrownThe importance of good design at the child-computer interface is stressed. The Concept Keyboard is discussed as an example of a useful input device. It has a touch-sensitive surface overlaid by a rectangular sheet of paper. This "overlay" may be designed to meet the requirements of each individual program.
Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Computing, Mathematics and Allied Studies
City of London Polytechnic
100 Minories, London EC3N IJY UK
Examples are given of various applications, including a project in which the Concept Keyboard has been used to develop the curriculum in environmental studies for children with moderate learning difficulties. Nature walks in various environments are simulated and the computer is integrated with other indoor and outdoor resources. [Publication]
Mr Jim CallanThe Academic Extension Branch has conducted a case study involving the use of VlATEL's videotex system with primary school students who form part of the Primary Extension and Challenge Programme (PEAC). The demonstration is intended to give interested participants a birds-eye view of the results that have been achieved.
Education Officer, Education Department of Western Australia
151 Royal Street, East Perth 6000, Western Australia
Dr Mick CampionDominant contemporary assumptions about technology and technological change will be addressed such that the rationality of loving or fearful responses to technology can be displayed. Attention will then be focussed upon the likely consequences of these perspectives when held by personnel within distance education in the University sector, and for society more generally. [Publication]
Education Officer, External Studies Unit
Murdoch University
South Street, Murdoch 6150, Western Australia
Ms Julie CarrThe term "audiographics" refers to the transmission of graphic and print information over a narrowband telecommunications circuit such as a telephone line or radio subcarrier. In teleconferencing applications, audiographics are used as adjuncts to voice communication to provide complementary visual information. Five audiographic systems (telewriting, random access, facsimile, computer, slow-scan TV), will be discussed in terms of the technology and their educational potential.
Senior Advisor, Ministry of Technology
South Australian Government
31 Flinders Street, Adelaide 5000, South Australia
Dr Anne ClydeDevelopments in information technology are having a profound effect on school libraries, and greater changes are ahead. This paper will look at computers and computer software as educational resources in school libraries; the use of remote on-line data bases in the school and the school library; and information technology as it relates to information skills instruction. (Paper)
Head, Department of Library and Information Studies
Western Australian College of Advanced Education
PO Box 51, Nedlands 6009, Western Australia
Mr Ian ConboyThis workshop will examine the procedures and instruments developed to evaluate the educational video 'Seeds of Change'. A brief summary of the existing research which influenced the evaluators will be discussed. Sequences of the videotape will be played and the instruments devised to evaluate them will be circulated for comment. Difficulties encountered in the evaluation will be outlined and participants will be encouraged to discuss the procedures and present alternatives. (Workshop)
A/OIC Educational Technology
Ministry of Education
GPO Box 4367, Melbourne 3001, Victoria
Mr Ian ConboyThis paper provides a summary of the application of technology in Victorian Schools, in particular rural schools, and some recommendations for planning and implementing communication technology. It also incorporates a demonstration of computer communication between Macintosh computers, using new software currently being trialled. (Paper and teleconference)
A/OIC Educational Technology, Ministry of Education
GPO Box 4367, Melbourne 3001, VictoriaMr Neil Elliott
Bendigo Education Centre, VictoriaGreddins Pty Ltd, Brisbane
Ms Susan DavisThe first category covers three years of development trials. The result is a package of standard items that are interfaced by a unique product enabling distant education for adults and children through electronic medium at very low cost - by radio and telephone. The second category is a software demonstration and purchasing medium that enables potential buyers to try before they buy or even use very high cost programs on an occasional use basis. The method enables instant purchase at much reduced prices. The third category is a demonstration of how software can be supported by teacher material to the level where the hardware and software are psychologically relegated to an almost non existent profile. (Paper)
Managing DirectorMr Alan Williams
Managing DirectorPencom (Aust) Pty Ltd
20 McDougall Street, Milton 4064, Queensland
Jacqueline DeanThe focus of this presentation is on software to enhance learning in two areas - early childhood and years 6-10. The early childhood software targets early literacy and spatial awareness. The effect of this software has been the subject of a research program being conducted at UWA. Preliminary research findings will be discussed. A content-free program for years 6-10 will also be discussed. It is designed to force enquiry skills, assessment and analysis of information and making logical connections. (Paper)
Alison Dewsbury
Teacher Development Branch
Education Department of Western Australia
151 Royal Street, East Perth 6000, Western Australia
Dr John DekkersRecently, there have been limited trials of TVI for distance education at the Open University (OU). Science lectures were videotaped at different locations and the videos then used by OU staff with external students in a number of study centre locations. A preliminary evaluation of these trials indicated that the video recordings of lectures facilitated student learning of difficult topics. This paper presents details of a trial use and evaluation of tutored video instruction at Capricornia Institute based on the approach at the OU. Details are also presented for planned extended use of TVI using satellite technology. (Paper)
Director External and Continuing Education
Mr Allan Honeysett
Head, Educational Media Centre
Capricornia Institute
Rockhampton 4702, Queensland
Mr Anthony EllisAn outline of approaches to teaching computer programming at a distance. A discussion on how the course is structured and the students feel about such a course followed by a discussion of the problems encountered. The review of the course describes how students feel about computers, what they expect from them and the barriers to learning about them. (Paper)
School Administrative Officer, School of Human Communication
Murdoch University, Murdoch 6150, Western Australia
Mr Andrew GreigWhile there have been some brave attempts, Broadcast Educational Television for adults has never really got off the ground in this country. In Tertiary institutions the use of CCTV/Video has been remarkably uneven. Recently such factors as home video, Public Radio and the Satellite have re-awakened interest. Can broadcasting and the newer technologies work together? What will happen in the Universities and Colleges? Will we at last see an Educational Television Network? [Publication]
Director, Television Service, University of Sydney
Sydney 2006, New South Wales
Mr Jens Hansen
Director, Westland (REAP) Community Education Service
Box 264, Hokitika, West Coast, New Zealand
- New Zealand, the west coast and educational isolation.
- The nural Education Activities Programme (REAP) as a palliative for inequity.
- Teleconferencing as a means for "distance crunching" for networks of information.
- Using the "system" of politics in order to establish a "system" of teleconferencing.
- Some lessons learnt. [Publication]
Dr Dennis HarperThe Republic of Singapore is embarking on an extensive computer education plan. The Institute of Education has implemented a programme that involves training, pre-service, inservice, M.Ed., principal's certificates and special education students in the use of computers in education. This paper will describe the programme in detail and also describe other computer education efforts throughout Asia. (Paper)
Lecturer and Educational Computing Coordinator, Department of Pedagogical Studies
School of Foundation Studies, Institute of Education
469 Bukit Timah Road, Singapore 1025
Mr Robert HaynesComputer Assisted Instruction combined with video is destined to be a major driving force improving the efficiency and enjoyment of learning. The authors have attempted to minimise and simplify session production to bring this technology to classrooms under firm control of educators. Accordingly the authors have developed the "Q" instruction package to provide a rapid means of generating computer-video tutorials. This will be demonstrated along with discussion on the disc manufacturing process and the lessons learned from disc production. (Paper)
Manager, ACUE
Mr Graeme Parslow
Department of Biochemistry
The University of Adelaide
GPO Box 498, Adelaide 5001, South Australia
Mr Peter Hosie (Convenor)This session is a practical demonstration of the International Teleclass Project discussed by Dr John Southworth in the "Invisible Classroom" (Monday 1 December, 2.45-3.00pm). Students will share information about their locale including types of housing, cars, school facilities and leisure activities. Issues related to the future, such as conservation of the environment and the threat of nuclear war will be discussed. Slides will be used to illustrate points of interest. (Teleconference)
Education Officer, Education Department of Western Australia
PO Box 271, Leederville 6007, Western AustraliaMr Peter Leddin
Senior Master (English)
Churchlands Senior High School
Mr Derek HolroydeThe potential of radio broadcasting to contribute to a better informed community is described. The dominance of television threatens to overwhelm the greater flexibility, economy and availability of radio. In Australia some public broadcasting stations are licenced to tertiary institutions. Drawing on examples of multicultural, Aboriginal and other educative programming, the paper redefines the role of radio, and suggests ways in which it should complement the capacities of other forms of educational technology. (Paper)
Director, Centre for Communication and The Arts, and Dean of Arts and Design
Western Australian Institute of Technology
Bentley 6102, Western Australia
Professor Shih-Hsion HuangThe Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI) system, initiated by Tamkan University in Taiwan, has gradually aroused wide attention and interests, and is commonly accepted by the educational circles here, especially among universities. Government agencies such as Ministry of Education or National Science Council also aggressively support and encourage its development, either by sending internees abroad every year for advanced training, or by promoting CAI-oriented activities in all level.
Department of Educational Media and Library Sciences
Editor in Chief Journal of the EMLS
Tamkang University
Tamsui, Taiwan 25137
The sophisticated modern computer technology also contributed a great deal to its rapid growth. This paper introduces briefly the definition and characteristics of CAI; conducts a detailed survey and report to its current development in either government and private sectors, or in higher education institutions; followed by the effective analysis of computer applications in present practices; and finally, its perspective trends in Taiwan is discussed and concluded. (Paper)
Mr Duncan JamiesonEach CBT authoring system has its strengths and its limitations. On what basis do we make trade-offs? A model to determine trade-off criteria will be presented and discussed. (Paper)
Human Resource Development Consultant
Department of Computing and Information Technology
GPO Box T1606, Perth 6001, Western Australia
Mr John KirkThe use of telecommunications as a delivery system in distance education for Aboriginals in SA has been a remarkable success. Aboriginal people in remote areas of SA (as indeed in other states) have had very limited access to educational programs. Telephone tutorials (or teletutorials) were chosen as a means of providing student-teacher interaction for a correspondence-based course titled "Writing Better English". They offered a group learning environment, as well as opportunities to develop oral literacy skills, and confidence in using communications technology. This paper outlines the outcomes of both the trial and the on-going program. It comments on the cross-cultural influences, and the apparent reasons for the success of the technique. (Paper)
Senior Lecturer, Learning Resources Branch
SA Department of TAFE Education Centre
11th Floor, 31 Flinders Street, Adelaide 5000, South Australia
Mr Lloyd LacyIssues in curriculum and technology design associated with the Distance Education Satellite Trial at the School of the Air, Mt Isa. During 1986, eight Year Six students enrolled with the School of the Air, Mt Isa, have been participating in the trial use of the Australian satellite communication system for the delivery of their distance education program.
Production Officer, Production and Publishing Services
Queensland Education Department
Po Box 33, North Quay 4000, Queensland
The Queensland Government transponder on AUSSAT 1 has been used to create a voice and data network linking the teacher in Mt Isa with the eight remote family sites, enabling the full year educational program to be delivered and managed from Mt Isa. In addition, a fortnightly television program incorporating interactive audio between the studio presenters and the remote viewers has been transmitted from Brisbane.
While technological and administrative issues are under study, the significant focus has been on th interaction between the curriculum and the learning environment created by the use of a telecommunication network. This paper outlines the relationship between the curriculum and the technology systems that has shaped the educational design for the trial and considers some of the issues and opportunities that arise from the use of a highly interactive mode for distance education in a family setting. (Paper)
Dr James LangeAustralia's direct-broadcast satellite television, coupled with a telephone conference call, allows full interactive teaching to improve quality and productivity for education, whether for primary, secondary, tertiary or adult and professional education. This paper describes such a system via the Golden West Network, Australia's first commercial television broadcaster to use the satellite. [Publication]
Manager, Satellite Division, Golden West Network Limited
PO Box 70, Tuart Hill 6060, Western Australia
Mr Chun-Ip LauComputer-based learning packages designed for the training of speed reading are examined to see if they demonstrate any superiority over traditional modes of reading instruction. An attempt is directed to investigate if the Computer-Assisted Instruction (CAI) approach can supplement or replace conventional methods in developing reading skills. The study also identifies the strengths of CAI and its potential of full-scale application in the English language classroom context of Hong Kong. Affective reactions of the students undergoing CAI speed reading training are also probed to see if their individual difference in learning pace are better attended to by this advancement in educational technology, and if they welcome this new invention. (Paper)
Language Instructor, English Language Teaching
Room 330B, Pi Chiu Building
Chinese University of Hong Kong
Shatin, New Territories, Hong Kong
Mr Laurie LivingA two part workshop in which participants will learn word processing, take part in a telephone conference/interview and, through process writing, write a journalistic article on the computer, conferencing with other participants over drafts as they bring their articles to publishable standard. This is a complex learning activity in which people are brought together through the application of technologies to the classroom environment.
Coordinator (Year 12) Media Studies
Mr John Camillo
Coordinator (Year 12) English
Dandenong College of TAFE
121 Stud Road, Dandenong 3175, Victoria
The Activity
The workshop will be a demonstration of a learning activity using a variety of technologies. The activity is part of a total learning environment appropriate for a broad range of subjects across both the secondary and tertiary curriculum. It is unique in that the technologies used actually bring people closer together in the learning/teaching process. The technologies do not necessarily alienate people. Teachers are released from delivery information in the traditional classroom or lecture format. They still design the information students will need but the computer offers them more flexibility in presentation. Students 'go to' information they need for a particular activity when they need to. The teacher is able to use his teaching time in conference with single or small groups of students, monitoring the progress they are making with their learning interests. (Workshop)
Dr Roy LundinDuring 1986, Brisbane CAE has trialled the use of the Queensland Government's satellite-based Q-Net system for continuing education. The programs have involved live video with interactive audio for programs as diverse as pottery, primary maths, reading and children's literature, AIDS education and school student productions. This presentation will summarize, with videotaped illustrations, some of the findings of this first phase, focussing on such aspects as technical organisational and financial considerations, as well as implications for educational design of programs to exploit these technologies. (Paper)
Coordinator of Continuing Education
Brisbane CAE
130 Victoria Park Road, Kelvin Grove, Queensland 4059
Mr Kevin McKennaThis paper will outline the advantages one would expect to obtain from using computer simulations in teaching, and contrasts this with a narrative review of the literature relating to evaluations of the use of such simulations. The paper will also discuss the computer based simulations which have been developed at the Western Australian Institute of Technology. Finally, a summation of the characteristics of a computer simulation which may influence its effectiveness as an instructional technique. (Paper)
Senior Lecturer
Mr Robert Winter
Research Assistant
School of Economics and Finance
Western Australian Institute of Technology
Bentley, Western Australia 6102
Mr Alex MillarThe paper will describe a unique attempt to use technology and distance learning techniques to enable students in the comparatively remote north-west corner of Victoria and eventually in adjacent zones in New South Wales and South Australia, to access post-secondary education courses from a number of institutions in Melbourne and Geelong initially, and subsequently in New South Wales and South Australia. The paper will outline the history and objectives of the cross-sectoral inter-institutional "Sunraysia Project", and will analyse the educational, administrative, political, staffing and technical implications and lessons learned from the project so far. (Paper)
Head, Department of Educational Technology
Mr Iain McAlpine
Victoria College, Toorak Campus
336 Glenferrie Road, Malvern 3144, Victoria
Mr Nigel MuddleThe circumstances leading up to the development of Micro-education at Bruce TAFE. The process of developing the package. The uses to which the package is being put and an evaluation of our work. (Paper)
Instructional Designer
Bruce TAFE College
51 Solomon Crescent, Natham 2615, Australian Capital Territory
Ms Freda MulengaIn the light of various constraints and resistance to adopt innovations this paper aims to identify the role of software technologies in distance teaching in a developing country, particularly at the University of Zambia. The paper will identify various types of software that would be viable means of complementing the delivery of educational objectives and be cost-effective to the institution and the students. These technologies should provide a booster to the greater utilization of radio, television and even computers. Finally the paper will discuss some recommendations relating to the training of specialists and the coordination of this provision at institutional and national levels. (Paper)
Lecturer, Department of Correspondence Studies
University of Zambia
Mr Graeme MurphyAustralian colleges and universities place production and distribution services relevant to media support for mass and individual instruction under the management umbrella of different sectors of the organization. Several models of management are discussed in relation to defined user requirements. This paper is intended to argue that user requirements are the prime basis for coming to terms with management issues. [Publication]
Audiovisual Services Librarian, Central Library
124 Latrobe Street, Melbourne 3001, Victoria
Mr Joseph Murray
National Chairman, Educational Television Association
c/- Scottish Council for Educational Technology
74 Victoria Crescent Road, Dowanhill, Glasgow G 12 9JN, UK
- The impact of technological developments (new communication channels, new low cost production tools, provision of computer and audio-visual products for mass markets etc.) on educational television.
- The opportunities created for more widespread production possibilities and more effective use of television in educational contexts.
- The frequent failure of the educational system to fully exploit new technologies, resulting in superficial integration and ineffectual use.
- The need for a mechanism to reconcile the tensions between the traditional educational technology approach and the drives frequently behind new technologies, so that developments in or affecting educational television can be systematically evaluated, and their integration into the system adequately resourced and successfully managed. [Publication]
Mr Michael O'LoughlinThe development of computer literacy has been considered an important goal of secondary education for some years. Formal courses of study have been implemented in almost all schools. Little is known however about the impact of these courses on the student's knowledge of and attitudes toward computers. This paper presents the results of an ongoing study into computer literacy levels focussing on the relationship between cognitive and affective components of computer literacy. Sex differences are also addressed. (Paper)
Lecturer, Science Education
WA College of Advanced Education (Nedlands Campus)
Stirling Highway, Nedlands, Western Australia 6009
Mr Gary PearsParticipants will become involved with one part of a curriculum developed around technological simulation. The "hands-on" activities wlil highlight problem solving techniques in the areas of science, social science and maths as well as its application to language arts. Special attention is drawn to the affective domain. (Workshop)
Mr Ian Michael
Coordinators, Primary Extension and Challenge Centres (PEAC)
Academic Extension Branch, Education Department of Western Australia
c/- 18 Collins Street Kensington, Western Australia 6151
Mr Graham PervanThis paper reviews the traditional methods of introducing the computer to business students who are not computer specialists. Current business needs and how the Decision Support Systems (DSS) approach meets those needs is discussed. This approach has been incorporated into WAIT's Bachelor of Business programme and its successful implementation is reported. (Paper)
Senior Lecturer
Mr Desmond Klass
Senior Lecturer
School of Computing and Quantitative Studies
Western Australian Institute of Technology
Bentley, Western Australia 6102
Mr Graham PervanOver the last ten years the School of Computing and Quantitative Studies in the Division of Business and Administration at WAIT has grown substantially. Staff and student numbers have more than trebled, graduate and postgraduate courses have been introduced and expanded. As a result of this expansion, the decision making related to the administration of the school has become more complex. There are many more students, classes, staff, programs, rooms, and computers to schedule, organising the payment of a large army of part-time staff has become more difficult, as have numerous other activities. In addition, as the school grew, it tended to divide into three separate 'departments', each operating fairly independently, and with little interaction or cross-teaching across these three areas.
Senior Lecturer
Mr Desmond Klass
Senior Lecturer
School of Computing and Quantitative Studies
Western Australian Institute of Technology
Bentley, Western Australia 6102
In order to overcome some of this division and to better manage the school as a whole, we have experimented with a new organisational structure which required greater flexibility to enable, among other things, more crossteaching between the three areas in the school. The increasing size and complexity, and the new structure made it obvious that the current administrative procedures did not provide enough timely information to effectively support decision making. As a result, an analysis was made of the information needs of the school and a data model was developed for a school database. A set of computer based Decision Support Systems (DSS) were then developed to allow for effective planning and decision making. This paper presents the data models and programs which have been used and demonstrate how they have so far achieved their desired goals. The software system runs on any IBM PC or compatible. (paper)
Mr Mike PotterTelesketch is a computerized telephone graphics terminal capable of transmitting voice, graphics and text over telephone lines. This presentation will demonstrate, in an interaction mode, the capabilities of the telesketch terminal. The demonstration will include drafting, electronic circuitry and language training applications. (Teleconference/Demonstration)
Senior Technician
Knowledge Network
Ms Erina Rayner
Executive Director, Learning Network
PO Box 293 Albert Park, Victoria 3206
- Learning Network's arrangements with national broadcasters to provide video components of telecourses.
- Description of available telecourses and how institutions can register to run these courses in 1987.
- The associated services provided by Learning Network.
- Presentation of costs associated with running different types of telecourses.
- Description of Learning Network's role in assisting colleges with the development and production of their own telecourses. (paper)
Dr Alexander RomiszowskiA teleconference which will examine the potential impact of expert systems when used either as components of intelligent tutoring systems, or as intelligent advisors in the process of instructional design. From one viewpoint, this appears most threatening to the role of the teacher but from another one may see this potential development as enhancing the teacher's importance, though modifying his role significantly. (Teleconference) [Publication]
Dr Don Ely
Dr David Krathwohl
Dr Phil Doughty
Dr Barbara Grabowski
Syracuse University
New York, USA
Dr Anne RussellParticipants will be shown a range of audio and visual applications of the microcomputer such as reprographics, sound effects, worksheets, school publications, computer-driven slide shows and video production. It is hoped computers and printers will be available to allow participants to personally explore particular computer programs.
Lecturer in Media
Brisbane College of Advanced Education
Victoria Park Road, Kelvin Grove, Queensland 4059
This workshop is designed for individuals who have not used microcomputers for producing graphics to enhance handouts or overhead transparencies. The workshop will be directed towards using commercial computer programs with emphasis on the Apple Computer. (Workshop)
Mr Nigel Russell
Executive Producer, Educational Media Unit
Mr Herb Peppard
Subject Expert
Adelaide College of TAFE
20 Light Square, Adelaide, South Australia 5000
- Gives a basic outline of the technology and why it is appropriate for education and training.
- The OPTIONS (one or more) from the following:
- Existing and possible applications of videodisc
- Interactivity (technical and educational aspects)
- Videodisc content planning, design and structure
- Videodisc production (up to disc pressing)
- Media comparisons
- Videodisc as a language teaching tool. (Workshop)
Mr John Sanders
Education Officer, Teacher Development Branch
Education Department
151 Royal Street, East Perth 6001, Western Australia
- Assistance gained in using a microcomputer for:
- Participant information
Material preparation
Course organisation- On course - Microtext demonstrations
Instrument scoring- Scoring performance
Handling feedback- Other ideas from participants
- Software alternatives
- Summary and "take home" statement (Paper)
Professor Michael ScrivenSeveral recent products represent enormous breakthroughs in software and hardware for professional educators, including MORE, MACAUTHOR, VENTURA, EXCEL, and the supertwisted bi- refringent LCD's. (Paper/demonstration)
Faculty of Education
University of Western Australia
Nedlands, Western Australia 6009
Mr Sydney SmaleThis paper reports research which examines the feasibility of using satellite and terrestrial telecommunication technologies for the delivery of speech therapy to children with communication disorders who are isolated from Speech Language Pathologists. It evaluates these technologies and their potential application to communicatively impaired children and their families and describes the results of one trial in South Australia. The paper concludes that a variety of educational and habilitative (or rehabilitative) services could be offered using already existing technology or, those that will be in operation shortly. (Paper)
Lecturer, Department of Social Sciences
Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology
GPO Box 2476V, Melbourne, Victoria 3001
Mr Peter SmithNew technology in education will not be most effectively used by distance educators or their students until educators are willing to make some fundamental changes in their attitudes and practices. An appropriate educational response at one time is not appropriate in the 1980s. Specifically, distance educators have so far focussed their attention on using new technology to do better, or differently, the things they have always done. It is concluded that, unless fundamental changes are made in the ways we provide distance education, new technology will only ever be used to turbo charge the horse and buggy. [Publication]
President - Australian and South Pacific, External Studies Association
Head - Learning Resource Centre
Gordon Technical College
PO Box 122, Geelong, Victoria 3220
Professor William SpenceThe nature of technological innovation, the characteristics of categories of adapters, the impact of new procedures, practices and equipment and their personal and social consequences. (Teleconference)
Professor of Communication and Head of the Department of Communication
University of Ulster
Shore Road, Jordanstown, Newtownabbey BT37CQB, Northern Ireland, UK
Mr James SteeleThe Australian Caption Centre has produced the first PAL LaserVision videodisc designed specifically for use in schools. The presentation will provide background to the Project and discuss some of the issues raised by the Project in terms of the introduction of new technology in teaching and training. [Publication]
Media Programmes Officer, IMC
Canberra College of Advanced Education
PO Box 1, Belconnen, Australian Capital Territory 2616
Mr Orson TormeyEvery organisation is in the printing business. New technologies such as desk-top publishing will provide many educational institutions and organizations the ability to produce many of their publications and printed matter in- house, more cheaply, quickly and with greater creativity. (Paper/Workshop)
Western Region Manager
Apple Computer Pty Ltd
17 Prowse Street, West Perth, Western Australia 6005Mr Ian Hart
Director, Media Centre
Canberra CAE
Canberra, Australian Capital Territory
Ms Denise WalshBrief case studies of the implementation of some aspects of telematics are presented, one from each of the primary, secondary, tertiary and continuing sections of education. These are examined with emphasis on the general effect of telematics on the groups involved. It is then hypothesised that telematics can support learning within a co-operative expressive education philosophy and that the reflective incidental learning of those involved might be much greater than anticipated by educational technologists. Some suggestions are made about the contextual support required to maximise learning. (Paper)
Head - Educational Technology, and Lecturer- Studies in Teaching
Ballarat College of Advanced Education
PO Box 663, Ballarat 3350, Victoria
Dr (Mrs) Dulcy WindsorThe concept of life-long education has changed the format, content and the clientele of the school radio broadcasts. The appropriate technology has provided flexibility in programming. When considering the cost-benefit, fast spread of knowledge, possible geographical coverage, radio remains the most practical medium to educate youth/children in the third world.
Director- Education Service
Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation
Torrington Square, Colombo 7, Sri Lanka
In the past the educational broadcasts were mainly directed to the schools, concentrating on the school curriculum, syllabuses, the timetable and the classroom situation. Present Sri Lankan experiences explain the impact of grass-root level participation and local involvement for quality production of supplementary and enrichment programs. (Paper)