The Higher Education
Research and Development Society of Australasia
- encourages and promotes quality teaching
and learning in higher education
- provides forums for the exchange of
information on higher education
- develops and publishes material for
higher education teachers
- has a large Australasian and international
HERDSA membership offers you interaction
with teachers, researchers, administrators, learning support staff,
academic staff development consultants and educational researchers through:
- the journal and newsletter and newsletter
- an annual conference
- various HERDSA publications
- branch and special interest group activities
- an email noticeboard.
Branches are currently active in Queensland,
Australian Capital Territory, Victoria, South Australia, Western Australia,
New Zealand and Hong Kong. For further details you can contact your
local convenor.
Visiting Scholar
HERDSA regularly engages a prominent academic
to tour Australia and New Zealand conducting workshops and seminars
on topical issues.
Annual conference
The annual international HERDSA conference
held in Australia or New Zealand provides an opportunity:
- to explore a diversity of perspectives
and processes on the theory and practice of higher education,
- for challenging and enlightening discussion
of issues in higher education,
- to engage with research and with less
formed questions and ideas.
HERDSA members are entitled to reduced
registration fees and members not at the conference can purchase the
proceedings at a special price.
For further information and membership
details contact:
PO Box 516
Jamison ACT 2614
Phone: +61 (0)2 6253 4242
Fax: +61 (0)2 6253 4246