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This paper presents the use of the computer in education. First in Internet projects and after using Special groups with same interest. We show a historical overview of the use of information technology in Brazilian Education. It identifies the main phases of the process of computer usage in education. Firstly, it offers a general view of the main Brazilian Educational Projects that support the process of introducing computers in schools all over the country. Finally, tools for planning, creating and maintaining educational environments are described. We also describe how we implement this projects and describe 16 of them. We show our methodology and how we evaluate the data.
Thinking this way, and using the Internet, we have tried to create Internet projects aimed at developing a web culture, having teachers and students participating in national discussions about any subject, with an interchange of experiences between students and teachers from many different countries. After the accomplishment of the projects via the Internet we realized that there is also the possibility of creating Interest Groups.
The FORMAR Project was implemented in 1987, through two courses about computers in education, at an undergraduate level, held at the University of Campinas (UNICAMP). The project was designed to develop competence in teachers from public schools. The capability of the teachers of this project were helped by pilot-centers of the EDUCOM Project. The graduate teachers would design and implement, together with their Education Secretariat, a CIEd - Educational Informatics Center, with technical and financial support from the Education Ministry. After the accomplishment of the FORMAR Project, 17 CIEd's were introduced, one at each Brazilian State.
The National Program of Educational Informatics - PRONINFE, of 1989, aimed at developing the educational informatics in Brazil. The program was developed through projects and activities, on solid and updated pedagogical fundamentals, in order to guarantee the vital scientific, technical and political unity to the success of the efforts and investment involved. The program also intended, among other things, to give support to the development and utilization of Computer Science in all degree courses and in special education; to promote the infrastructure of support related to the creation of several centers spread all the country, by means of consolidating and integrating researches; to produce qualified human resources and to produce, acquire, adapt and evaluate educational software.
Finally, the PROINFO - National Program on Informatics in Education - was launched. The PROINFO had as its main initial targets to finance the introduction of the information technology and telecommunications in the Fundamental and Middle public education and to initiate the universalization process of the use of new technologies into the educational public system. The program's main purposes were to improve quality on the teaching-learning process and at the same time to make possible the creation of a new cognitive pedagogy in the schools environments through adequate incorporation of the new information technologies throughout the schools. All these would offer an education directed to scientific and technological development. The PROINFO, by the time it was launched, anticipated some target actions such as: preparation and support of state projects on computers in education; planning the schools' computerization; support to schools' projects; qualification of human resources; introduction of educational technology centers; definition of the technical specifications and the follow-up and support to projects.
Nowadays, the Brazilian Education is divided into Fundamental Teaching, Middle Teaching and Superior Teaching. One of the government's actual concerns is the TV-School Program, which is a television channel via satellite exclusively dedicated to education. The main objectives of this program are the qualification of teachers from the public schools of Fundamental and Middle Teaching, as well as the enrichment of the teaching-learning process. And further, it aims at providing populations residing in the far-away areas of the country, such as the Amazonian region, with proper education.
Afterwards, came tools to implement more creative classes, like Microsoft Power Point - and the whole package Microsoft Office. Since then, the contents of the classes could be presented through transparencies with larger and better resolution. Its major advantage was the pre-format of transparencies provided by the tool.
Kidlink Brazil. http://venus.rdc.puc-rio.br/kids/kdlinkv1.0/LUAR Project - Leading the University to the Distance Learning.
http://penta.ufrgs.br/edu/telelab/luar.htmAprendiz Project. http://www.uol.com.br/aprendiz/
LED - Distance Teaching Laboratory. http://www.led.ufsc.br/
S.A.B.E.R. Center - Support to Learning Based on Remote Education.
http://www.centrodesaber.com.br/Telecourse 2000. http://www.bibvirt.futuro.usp.br/acervo/matdidat/tc2000/tc2000.html
Campus Global - PUCRS. http://terra.cglobal.pucrs.br/
There is a challenge in this project, which is that the students must find out about the city of the school. They make up tips and send them to other students and schools that are participating in the competition. The first 20 schools to answer correctly will get a post card. We got a card from Phoenix, USA, Saltsburg, Austria and Guatemala, Guatemala.
The students write messages about the theme "Traffic" talking about what must be changed and what must be improved. At the end, all the texts are put together and sent to the National Congress with the electronic signature of all the students.
A school in San Jose, California - USA, wanted to translate 10 Brazilian fairy tales due to their great community of Brazilians. Then, a research was conducted to see what tale the students wanted to see translated, and they chose the "Spoiled Boy".
This project is made up of six themes (abortion, drugs, taxes, environment, modern women, virginity). The students would freely discuss such themes with other students from other countries, bringing down new information and ideas which would eventually change or not change their point of view.
In this project, elementary students, in December, sent letters to Santa Claus and they have been answered.
Exchange of mathematics problems among students from Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, Chile and Mexico.
It took place from April 10th to 15th in 1995, in Switzerland. It was an exposition of drawings made on the computer program, KIDPIX. We participated in this exposition with nine drawings.
Exchange of information about the Incan culture with students from Guatemala.
Research on the computers of the NASA Educational Center about the climate and vegetation of many parts of the planet.
Exchange of information and digitised photographs of exotics plants between Brazil and Israel.
Creation of a Portuguese (Brazil) - Portuguese (Portugal) dictionary.
Research conducted to get to know the daily habits of students from other countries. The habits which had been studied are: time at school, TV programs, leisure, etc.
Exchange of information about outlaws (Brazil) and about the Vikings (Norway).
Exchange of letters among students from Brazil, France, Norway, Israel, USA, Chile, Uruguay, Paraguay, Ireland, Argentina, England, Guatemala, Venezuela, Colombia, Costa Rica.
This project aimed at creating mathematics graphs out of general problems risen by the class.
Coordination: A first-year High School student
Sub Coordination: Music tutor
Participants: 13 students 5th, 7th and 8th grades, and 1st and 2nd years of High School
Frequency: twice a week
Duration: 4 months
Objective: Develop through appropriate software an interest in music, stimulating the use of the computer to compose lyrics and write accompanying music.
Material used:
- A computer 486-DX 66 Mhz
- Sound plate Sound Blaster of 32 bits with MIDI output
- Keyboard YAMAHA
- Software (Voyetra, MP2, Sound Blaster, play, Finale, Encore, Pianist)
Results: Two presentations at break time
Coordination: A second-year High School student
Participants: 13 students 7th grade, and 1st and 2nd years of High School
Frequency: twice a week
Duration: 3 months
Objective: Stimulate creativity and present software to help in the development of graphs.
Material used:
- Laboratory
- Software (Kidpix, Adobe Photo shop, Coprel Draw 5.0, Presentation, Paint Brush)
Results: Exposition of works at school
Coordination: Portuguese Department Chief
Participants: 24 students (12 from the honour and 12 from the recuperation) from 8th grade
Frequency: 3 times a week
Duration: 4 months
Objective: Stimulate the production of texts from the students.
Material used:
- Laboratory
- Software (WordPerfect 6.0, SBW, MOS, CPC)
Results: Involvement of 8 students and the production of a journal
Coordination: A second-year High School student
Sub Coordination: Music tutor
Participants: 14 students 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th grades
Frequency: once a week
Duration: 1 month
Objective: Create an electronic aquarium and stimulate the discussion of the theme.
Material used:
- Laboratory
- Software (ELFISH, Undersea Adventure)
Results: Exhibition of the electronic aquarium at break time for a week.
Coordination: Psycho-pedagogic orientation service
Participants: 30 students from 8th grade
Frequency: once a week
Duration: 3 months
Objective: Stimulate consciousness about sex.
Material used:
- Laboratory
- Software (CPC, SBW, ONCE)
Results: Distribution of many stories told by the students themselves to one another.
Coordination: Psycho-pedagogic orientation service
Participants: 30 students from 3th and 4th grades
Frequency: twice a week
Duration: 3 months
Objective: Stimulate the learning of the curricular content through the computer.
Material used:
- Laboratory
- Software (Math Blaster, Young math, Ortografando, Jogo das Plavras Mortais, Orbits, Bworks, Undersea, Science)
Results: Improvement at school which goes on even when the group ends.
The teacher is a consultant, articulator, mediator and orientator of the students' development process. The establishment of an atmosphere of confidence, respect of differences and reciprocity encourages the student to recognize her/his own conflicts, and find out their potential. This way, the teacher will not be inhibited in recognizing her/his own conflicts, mistakes and limitations as well but will act in partnership with the knowledge which of the disciplines (Fazenda, 1994).
The teacher acts as a mediator, facilitator, encourager, challenger, investigator of knowledge, her/his own practice and of individual and group learning.
The computer is perceived as a symbol of what is most modern, advanced, and costly in today's society. It is also the ultimate and best of what society can offer to their citizens. By knowing these facts, elites in Brazil try to seize new technologies, especially computers, as a way of perpetuating their condition. Middle and upper class parents send their children to computer courses or press schools to make such programs available.
We can use this kind of project to diminish the digital exclusion. It is a way to put technology at the service of learning no matter what their social class.
Ferreira, Sueli. Introdução às Redes Eletrônicas de Comunicação. Ciências da Informação. Brasília. Maio/Agosto de 1994.
Estabrook, Noel et al. Using UseNet Newsgroups. Indianopolis, Que, 1995.
Pappert Seymour. A máquina das crianças: repesando a escola na era da informática. Porto Alegre. Artes Médicas, 1994.
Alba Ma. Lemme Weis e Mara Lucia R.M. da Cruz - A informática e os problemas escolares de aprendizagem - DP&A Editora.
Failure to connect: how computers affect our children's minds - for better and worse (fracasso em conectar como os computadores afetam a mente dasa cirancas - para o melhor e o pior ED. Simon & Schuster.
Senac.DN Desatando os nós da rede: dicas para você não se enrolar na internet /Sonia Aguiar. Rio de Janeiro, 1997.
Michael Schrage - Shared Minds - Tecnologia da Colaboração.
Perrenoud, P. (1999). Avaliação: Da excelência à regulação das aprendizagens. Entre duas lógicas. Porto Alegre: Editora Artes Médicas.
Author: Marcos Clayton Fernandes Pessoa, Coordenador de Tecnologia Educacional, Universidade Estadual do Ceará. E-mail: mclayton@insoft.softex.br
Please cite as: Pessoa, M. C. F. (2002). Computers in education - Internet projects. In S. McNamara and E. Stacey (Eds), Untangling the Web: Establishing Learning Links. Proceedings ASET Conference 2002. Melbourne, 7-10 July. http://www.aset.org.au/confs/2002/pessoa.html |