Pichai Tongdeelert Asst. Prof.

Department of Agricultural Extension and Communication

Faculty of Agriculture, Kasetsart University

Chatujak, Bangkok, Thailand 10900






In this information and communication technology age,computer network-based learning is widely used for expanding learningopportunities and facilitating learning activities to students separated by timeand distance as well as for delivering effective content to students andinstructors interacting with each other in a face-to-face classroom.Collaborative Computer Network Based Learning (CCNBL), in particular, isappropriate for learner center, constructivist, and problems-solving activitiesin that it uses computer network technologies for effective communication inlearning activities. However, differences in student learning styles are one ofthe major problems that affect all students who prefer not use the same style ofactivity for effective learning. With that in mind, the best method is to usespecific activities designed for each student learning style but this isdifficult to do because there are a wide variety of student characteristics invirtual classroom.


This research shows a way to solve this problem by developingCollaborative Computer Network Based Learning model for all student learningstyles to receive effective learning at the same level by using KOLB’slearning styles. By supporting learning activities for this developing prototypemodel, designers can integrate collaborative learning technologies andcollaborative learning strategies in the design and development process. Theresult from this process is an appropriate Collaborative Computer Network BasedLearning model for higher education level.

Keywords: Collaborative learning, Learning styles, Computer Network-BasedLearning




Nowadays, computer network-based learning is widely use allover the world because of its potential and flexibility. All educationalinstitutions over the world use computer network-based learning for expandinglearning opportunities and facilitating learning activities to studentsseparated by time and distance as well as. It can be effective for deliveringcontent to students and for instructors interacting with each other in aface-to-face classroom by using communication tool such as email, bulletinboards, conferencing system, whiteboards, chat rooms and videoconferencing andit can delivery contents in multimedia format like a video on demand, audioclips, animations, simulations and movies. Also, computer network-based learningcan support for all educational levels and can use for formal and non-formaleducation. While computer network-based learning is the integration betweencomputers, network computer and communication tools, technology alone can notmakes an effective learning process and ensure learning quality. So learningactivities are the important factor that all educators must integrate withtechnology and Collaborative Learning is the one method that’s appropriate andsupports computer network-based learning activity with effective learning.


Collaborative learning is an approach to teaching andlearning in which students are required to work together in the learningprocess, and to reach a consensus through negotiation to accomplish group tasks,McAlpine (2000). Some important attributes include learner center,constructivist, and problems-solving activities that the students explore inorder to create their own knowledge, meaning and solutions. The importance ofcollaborative learning as an instructional method has led to its application insituations in which computer network based is required by using computer networktechnologies for effective communication in learning activities, Hannafin andLand (1997).


However, differences in student learning styles are one ofthe major problems that affect all students since not everyone prefers to usethe same style of activity for effective learning. With that in mind, the bestmethod is to use specific activities designed for each student learning stylesbut this is difficult to do because there are a wide variety of studentcharacteristics in virtual classroom. So, the best solution for this problem isto design a learning model which supports the learning methods of all studentsso that all students can learn satisfactorily, happily, and get highachievement. Collaborative computer network-based learning model forundergraduate students with different learning styles was developed for solvethis problem.



Literature Review

Collaborative Learning

Collaborative learning, cooperative learning and small grouplearning are terms that are often used interchangeably in the literature.However, it is important to differentiate collaborative learning from the othertwo. Collaborative learning differs from cooperative learning in that itsemphasis lies in mutual engagement of learners in the learning process ratherthan on the sole division of labor to reach a common group goal, Bernard,Rubalcava and St-Pierre(2000). In cooperative learning, the result may simplyadd up to collection or incorporation of each individual’s work into the finalproducts based on collaboration should represent a synthesis of the whole. Someof the main advantages of collaborative learning that are often cited are thatit encourages active and constructive learning and encourages deep processing ofinformation, as well as evoking critical thinking, reasoning and goal-basedlearning, Brown and Parlinscar (1989). In addition, collaborative learningrequires less teacher role than cooperative learning and includes sharing thelearning task, combining expertise, building or consolidating a learningcommunity, Slavin (1995).


In collaborative learning setting, the emphasis is placed onthe interactions as common understandings are negotiated and developed acrossdifferences of knowledge, skills and attitudes. Indeed, collaborative learningshould thrive on these differences. Motivation to participate and confidence,together, play an equally important role if benefits are to emerge from theexperience. Moreover, participants need to assume a variety of functional rolesas interchanges progress and involve question answering and explanations thatare open to challenges and justifications, Bernard, Rubalcava and St-Pierre(2000). So collaborative learning is the appropriated learning pattern forlearning activity in modern age that needs students enhance knowledge,experiences and potentials for conducting their real life.

Collaborative Computer Network-Based Learning


Collaborative Computer Network-Based Learning is thecomputer-based variant of the classroom version and is coming to be regarded asone of the promising pedagogical approaches for distance education and its anintegral component of higher education in the new millennium, Harasim (1996),Riel (1990). In addition, it will better prepare students for the requirementsof today’s global industries where workers and consultants, and the effectiveuse of collaborative computer network-based learning, will aid in acquisition ofcomplex and higher-level concept and skills that has been claimed as a weaknessof distance education, Abrami and Bure (1996).


In order for Collaborative Computer Network-Based Learning totake place successfully, it is crucial that the learner feels part of a learningcommunity where his/her contributions add to a common knowledge pool and where acommunity spirit is fostered through social interactions, Palloff and Pratt(1999). There are two methods for using collaborative network based learning,first one is group project method that supports students to do a projecttogether by using group opinion in selecting topic and working with teamwork forlearning goal. The second one is a debate or discussion method that supportsstudents sharing and exchanging of individual ideas with group members foreventually concluding the group’s final opinion for problem solving orjustification.


The activities of collaborative computer network-basedlearning use abilities and potentials of computer and network for communicatingamong students and facilitators for learning activities. The communication ofcomputer networks can support student-to-student and students-to-facilitator byusing communication tools such as e-mail, chat rooms, web boards, instantmessaging, and desktop conferencing. When its integrated with the appropriateactivities of collaborative learning, the result is a highly effective learningactivity on computer network.


Learning Styles


Learning styles are important factors in designinginstruction and it is a variable that can affect learners’ achievement. So theinstructional designers should know learning styles principles and theories fordesigning the appropriate web’s environments for all students in a virtualclassroom. The nature of the web tends toward graphical and textual, thuscatering particularly to those with visual learning preferences. Those witheither auditory or kinesthetic learning preferences frequently find themselvesat a great disadvantage in the web-based learning environment. This isparticularly true for the hundreds of courses that exist today containing onlylecture notes and little interaction or mentoring, Lynch (2002).


Kolb’s (1986) popular learning style inventory, which isoften used in distance learning research, measured student preferences in twobi-polar dimensions. Kolb suggested that over time learners develop either apreference for concrete experiences or preference for engaging in abstractanalyses when acquiring skills and knowledge. Students also may emphasizeinterest in turning theory into practice by active experimentation, or they mayprefer to think about their experiences by reflective observation. Dille andMezact (1991) used Kolb’s inventory to identify student success in Web-basedlearning. They found that students who preferred abstract analyses did muchbetter than those with higher scores in concrete experience. Terrell and Dringus(1999-2000) found that Kolb’s convergence and assimilator categories werepredictive of greater success in their graduate degree program.


In this research, Kolb’s learning style inventory is usedfor grouping learners because Kolb’s learning style categorizes type oflearners based upon learning experiences; number of group is not variety andthere are no group effects with collaborative learning activities.




There were three stages for conducting this research: 1)study the patterns of collaborative computer network-based learning; 2)development of collaborative computer network-based learning model andimplementation; 3) evaluate and adjust model. This particular document presentsonly the first and some part of the second stage because this project is beingconducted.


The first stage has two parts in collecting data. The firstone is sorting interview data from the experts into three groups: 1) Networkingadministrator or related; 2) Facilitator or related; and, 3) Instructor who hasexperiences in computer network-based learning. The second one is to studycollaborative computer network-based learning model from research andcollaborative learning website and integrate data from the two parts fordeveloping a new appropriate model.




The population are networking administrators, facilitatorsand teaching expertise who has experiences in computer network-based learningfrom government and private universities in Thailand’s universities those havecomputer network-base learning system and being develop and were selected tosample with purposive random sampling by selecting from people who hasexperiences in computer network-based learning at least one yea. In Thailand,there are 43 universities. 20 universities have computer network-based learningsystems. Six universities have complete computer network-based learning system.Fourteen universities are developing computer network-based learning systems.From these there are 6 facilitators, 20 networking administrators, and twoteaching expertise who has experiences in computer network-based learning. Thesample was interviewed by face-to-face and telephone interviews with a structureinterviewing form containing 7 issues: 1) Content, 2) Learning ManagementSystem, 3) Facilitators, 4) Learners, 5) Mode of communications, 6) Assessment,and 7) Infrastructure. The scope of questions is the opinions about allcomponents that should be set up for computer network-based learning in a Thaicontext.


Results Discussion


Result from interviewing

Data from the interviewing form were analyzed with content analysis and thengrouped by the categories of interviewing issues. Summarization of major themesfrom all the data is shown in Table 1.

Interviewing Data




Networking Admin.

Teaching Expertise


Computer network-based learning support all content.

Design learning activities according with content.

Computer network-based learning support all content.

Design learning activities according with content.

Computer network-based learning support all content.

Design learning activities according with content.

Learning Management System

Develop or buy appropriate LMS for own environment.

Develop appropriate LMS for own environment.

Develop appropriate LMS for own environment.

Mode of Communications

Use together but use it appropriate with content and activities.

Asynchronous can support all situations.

Use together but Asynchronous can support all situations.

Use together but use it appropriate with content and activities.

Asynchronous can support all situations.


Use traditional assessment.

Use traditional assessment, if use online assessment must approve by institute policy.

Use online or traditional assessment by according between content and assessment.


Responsibility in course building.

Teaching technique and computer skills are required.

Responsibility in course building.

Teaching technique and computer skills are required.

Responsibility in course building guiding and coaching. Computer literacy and assessment technique and constructivism are required.


Computer network-based learning concept, how to learn and computer skills are required.

Computer network-based learning concept and how to learn are required. Computer skills are developed by learning by doing.

Computer network-based learning concept, how to learn and computer skills are required.






Provide more internet connecting point, bandwidth.

Wireless campus.

Provide more internet connecting point, bandwidth.

Wireless campus.

Communication reserved system.

Provide more internet connecting point, bandwidth.

Wireless campus.



Table 1 shows interviewing data that was analyzed forintegrating into the prototype model sorted into seven issues: 1) Content, 2)Learning Management System, 3) Facilitator, 4) Learner, 5) Mode ofcommunication, 6) Assessment, and 7) Infrastructure. The opinions offacilitators, networking administrators, and teaching experts are shownaccording to the main idea and have little difference in each details. Thefacilitators and teaching experts are always focused on pedagogy and networkingadministrators are always focused on physical environment and technology. Thedifferences of data show the dimensions and perspectives in each component thatcan apply information for synthesis an effective prototype model.


Result from collaborative network-based pattern study


This study of collaborative network-based patterns examinedinformation from documents, research and collaborative learning websites inorder to collect data about web patterns and methods, components, environments,and strategies in collaborative learning settings in order to analyze allfactors and synthesize a new model. From the data analysis were foundappropriate factors used to synthesize a prototype model. A collaborativeweb-based patterns were developed from Price (1996), Collis (1996), Lightspan(2000); collaborative learning process were developed from Puntambekar (1999)and Bernard, Rubalcava and St-Pierre (2000); and, collaborative learningstrategies were developed from Soller, Goodman, Linton and Gaimani (1994). Thelast component is Kolb’s learning styles for supporting activities which wasdeveloped from Anderson and Adams (1992). From all related factors, we can groupthe necessary component for developing collaborative computer network-basedlearning model within four main components. They are: facilitator, learner,content, and activities for supporting collaborative learning.


Model synthesis is integrated data from an interview as apart of model for an appropriate collaborative computer network-based learningmodel for Thai learners in higher education with the four main components (seeTable 2).







Activities Supporting Collaborative Learning

Preparing for facilitator

1. Give knowledge in collaborative learning and computer network-based learning.

2. Give knowledge, skill and management of collaborative learning.

3. Give knowledge and skill in computer, software and network application related with learning activities.

4. Build a confidence for conducting learning activities.

Preparing for learner

1. Give collaborative learning skills.

-Interpersonal skills, such as request, inform, motivate, maintenance, acknowledge, argue.

-Group building/

Management skills.

-Inquiry skills.

-Conflict solving skills.

-Presentation skills.

2. Give knowledge and skill in computer, software and network application related with learning activities.


Appropriation of content

1. Content should be variety.

2. Content should not deep.

3. Content relates with learner’s life or real situation.

4. Content is a part of learner’s experiences.

Step of collaborative learning

1. Personal learning

2. Collaborative learning.

Collaborative learning strategies

1. Encouraging participant

2. Maintaining social grounding

3. Evaluating student performance

4. Promote group processing

5. Supporting collaborative learning conversation skill practice

6. Applying appropriate technology

Kolb’s learning style supporting activities

1. Reflective and active learning activities.

2. Concrete and abstract learning activities.




The collaborative computer network-based learning model wasdeveloped from two types of data sources. The first one is data from interviewsthat shows data relating all components of computer network-based learning in aThai context; and the second one is data from documents, research andcollaborative learning website. The result is a collaborative network-basedlearning model comprised of four main components.


The first of the four components is Facilitators. Incollaborative learning, instructor roles were changed to facilitator roles thathad different missions. So there is a necessity to prepare concepts, knowledge,and skills used in collaborative learning and computer applications forfacilitators to build a confidence in learning activity operations. The successof collaborative learning depends on facilitators. Hence, facilitatorpreparation is the main component in this model and a short-course of trainingis an appropriate method for facilitator preparation.


The second component is Learners. This component is veryimportant because learners are the human resources that we want to develop. Theenvironment of collaborative network-based learning is different fromtraditional classroom, so preparation in the knowledge and skills ofcollaborative learning activities is necessary mission that must be considered.The major factors for learners are: how to learn, computer application abouthardware and software, Internet applications, and collaborative learning skills.The university has responsibility for preparing learners for all these factors.However, while some learners may have computer literacy skills, these skill varywidely so a training course for learners should be used to address the varietyof skills according to learners’ needs.


The third component is Content. Although all content candelivered with computer network-based learning, collaborative learning has aspecific characteristic because the learning activities is group process and usecommunication to share, exchange, discuss, argue, solve problem and buildknowledge based upon learners’ experiences. So appropriate content shouldprovide variety, not complexity, related with their life. The more learnerexperiences are integrated, the more benefit, better learning, and effectivelearning will result.


The fourth component is Activities for SupportingCollaborative Learning. This component has three parts. The first one is thestep of collaborative learning. This is composed of personal learning andcollaborative learning. It is necessary to use two types of learning together.Personal learning helps learners to reflect upon knowledge and experiences oftheir own before joining in groups for collaborative learning. If learners donot have enough knowledge and experience, the facilitator must equalizeknowledge at the same level for all learners, so that all learners can doeffective learning activities in group or collaborative learning settings. Thesecond one is collaborative learning strategies that are composed of encouragingparticipants, maintaining social grounding, evaluating students’ performances,promoting group processing, supporting collaborative learning conversation skillpractice, and applying appropriate technologies. All strategies can support,promote, and motivate learners to participate in group activities, which is themain factor of collaborative learning. The last one is Kolb’s learning stylesupporting activities. These are composed of two parts of learning activities.They are: 1) reflective and active learning activities, and 2) concrete andabstract learning activities. These two parts of learning activities can supportfour learning styles learners because each type of learning style hasco-characteristics or appropriate learning method such as Diverger, which iscomposed of concrete and reflection; Assimilator, which is composed ofreflection and abstraction; Converger, which is composed of abstract and active;and, Accommodator, which is composed of active and concrete. Theco-characteristics of Kolb’s learning style are the key factors to setappropriate learning activities for all Table 4.




































( * Co – characteristic)





The collaborative computer network-based learning model thatis described in this paper is in the first and some part of the second stage ofresearch and development for presentation of an appropriate collaborativenetwork-based learning model for different learning style learners. This modelwas developed by considering on learners, facilitators, content and designactivities for supporting collaborative learning in a Thai context andintegrated with web-based development by adapting from Price (1996), Collis(1996), Lightspan (2000) for pattern, collaborative learning processes fromPuntambekar (1999) and Bernard, Rubalcava and St-Pierre(2000), for collaborativelearning strategies from Soller, Goodman, Linton and Gaimani (1994). The lastcomponent is Kolb’s learning style supporting activities from Anderson andAdams (1992).


The components that were selected for use in this prototypemodel were approved and recommended by researchers and developers to ensureeffective components and appropriate items for learning activity, especially forcollaborative learning and computer network-based learning activities. Thisprototype model will be tested with undergraduate students and evaluate inOctober,2003 at Kasetsart University. The prototype model is believed to besuitable and well matched for Thai learners in higher education institutions.




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